![Group 5627](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJl1md_HR.png) At first, we didn't want to come to EthCC. It turned into a Shopping Mall full of crypto capital. Buy, invest, stake at every corner. But too many wonderful people are coming to Brussels from all over the world. It's a rare opportunity to connect with them alive. We thought how to make our EthCC ethical... That's when Occupy format came into play... Occupy movement represents internal desire to change, organize & shape status quo. Not just at Plaza Del Sol in Madrid, Wall Street in New York, Maidan in Kyiv, but in crypto. Let's Occupy a park. Turn on collective consciousness. Make privacy tangible. event: https://lu.ma/w3pn-meetup-bru1 ecosystem: www.web3privacy.info *How would it work?* - Unconference format: no speakers, gurus & posh cocktails. **Masters of Privacy ceremonies** will take care of special **Rituals**. ![317791356-4](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hy2bWuOBR.png) **Ritual** helps to connect with each other in a novel way. More humane. **Ritual examples** 1. **Privacypoly gaming sessions**. Fork of the Monopoly where you collectively establish self-sovereign internet by using your data as the currency. *Ritual master*: Mykola ![Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 17.38.53](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkXSACgIA.png) 2. **Privacy tarot readings**. We have privacy-focused tarot deck with Amir Taaki, David Chaum, Alex Pertsev, P2P & cypherpunks as the main heroes. Let's make reading sessions! *Ritual master*: Peter ![Group 5155](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJW90ClL0.png) 3. **Paper Academy disscussions**. We print Whitepapers & critical thesises on privacy, online freedom, cypherpunks. Let's read & disscuss them. *Ritual master*: OddName ![GO1KCLDWsAAL8qL](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkF1kJZ80.jpg) 4. **Cypherpunk ethics circle disscussions**. Suddenly people talk about cypherpunks more often (thanks to Vitalik). But what does it mean to be a cypherpunk in 2024? Lets exchange ideas how past can empower the future. *Ritual master*: PG 5. **Privacy activism poster** Many people never been to activism, but love to draw. Let's make activist posters around privacy, freedom of speech, detained devs & everything we care about. *Ritual master*: TBD ![Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 17.32.21@0.8x](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bk6Kb5_HC.png) *Pending Rituals* - **Mr.Robot hacking experience**. Person who wrote all code for Mr.Robot's 1st season shares Hackers on-screen & off-screen culture representation. ***add yours*** *Privacy ritual ethics* - ![image 935-2](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1wiMO_HC.png) - **No sell**. There are too many people selling at EthCC, don't sell - connect with other humans. - **Sharing is caring**. Give others meaningful connection - expand their understanding, enrich sensitivity, make them laugh. - **Empower with talent**. Everyone is talented, unpack yours & shape the way we understand the world & each other. - **Freedom, self-sovereignity, privacy focused**. Stay focused within our "niche". - **Community**. Feel others, hear stories, be available for the help. You aren't alone. *FAQ* - *How can I become Master of Privacy Ceremony?* It's simple. You need to share values behind Web3Privacy Now. Contact us explaining your background & talent. *How can I make Privacy Ritual?* Are you ready? Are you ready-ready? Write us your idea of Privacy Ritual. Explain how it will connect people, make them grow. Let's think together. *How can I contact you?* **Matrix**: https://matrix.web3privacy.info/ **X**: dm https://x.com/web3privacy Truly yours *Web3Privacy Now Occupy movement* www.web3privacy.info