- Discussion with [[David Gauquelin]][[May 26th, 2021]] - Upload and share via email - Possibility to upload both folders or multiple separate files - The resulting content hash can be displayed as: - QR code - link (including gateway) - hash - Removing content is not possible -> uploading should require multiple steps - Downloading content: - Receiving link and it right away downloads is quite brutal - [[Meeting Minutes]][[May 27th, 2021]] - [[Attila]], [[David Gauquelin]], [[Vojtech]] - M: must have O: optional E: easy M: medium D: difficult ### Upload * M E add single file * O M add a folder * O D add more files into the same link * Add a note/message (activating metadata for receiving experience) * (JSON file in manifest) * O E drag and drop to upload * M M pre-upload listing (info about selected files before uploading) * M E modify/remove file before upload (in case of mistake) * M E needed info * what kind of files can be uploaded, examples? * limitations * clarify the "no warranties" * we can't say how long it will be available * we can't guarantee that the link will work * /!\can't undo (remove content) * !O D info on network specific metrics (propagation, etc.?) * time to upload to the node (progress bar) * time to being distributed to the network * animation about uploading and distributing to the network (estimated) ### Link Generation / Share * O E QR code option * show QR code fullscreen (for QR code for instance on mobile) * M E easy copy (1 click to clipboard) * O D rename/customize link * ENS * unstopable domains * O D shorten link? * can we use external service like tiny.cc or bit.ly? (don't want to have this due to privacy implications) * O E save link somewhere * email me the link? * info to remind me to save the link * M E share * social media -> prefilled tweet/FB post * email * mailto link with subject and body * from the gateway server * add message/description * M E needed info * privacy settings of the link -> nothing is private * explain the need to save the link ### Receive Link / Download * M M info page before downloading * minimum is a blank page with a download button * display metadata about the content to be downloaded -> [[Vojtech]] verify the endpoints for getting metadata are available * size? * filename? * file type? * custom message/note by uploader? * could be just in the URL itself? * O D preview file ### General * legal aspect [[Attila]] to follow up on this * do we need to trace stuff like which IP address downloaded (or uploaded) which content hash * blacklist for content that is reported/illegal * M M error handling * upload fail * download fail (link expired) * both technical (endpoint returns 4xx/5xx) and UX explaining to users why this happend and what can that mean * M M Marketing/brand content * link to Swarm site * logo * animated illustrations (help explain how the network works) * https://ailadi.com/ * Mobile specific stuff * accessing camera * downloading/saving stuff * Internationalization / different languages * chinese ### Existing gateways - https://siasky.net/ - https://gateway.ipfs.io - https://skyportal.xyz/ - https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-storage-demo