# Test Prop Or Test Cyp ![](https://i.im.ge/2023/08/25/mZ88Ef.61176.jpg) --- ✔ Our AAS Shop is a one-stop destination for fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance their physique and performance. ✔ We offer a wide range of genuine products, including injectable steroids like Testosterone Enanthate, Deca Durabolin, and Trenbolone Acetate. Our oral steroids include options such as Anadrol, Dianabol, and Winstrol. ✔ Additionally, we provide a selection of growth hormone and peptides, including HGH and IGF-1 LR3. Our inventory also includes fat burners and vitamins to support overall health and wellness goals. ✔ All our products are 100% genuine and sourced from reputable manufacturers. With competitive prices and fast shipping, Anabolic Steroid Shop is the best choice for all your fitness needs. ✔ Buy steroids online → [https://bit.ly/48cdLm6](https://bit.ly/48cdLm6) --- Test Cyp vs. Test Prop. Pharma / TRT. bighowie95 October 10, 2007, 6:00pm 1. I have done some research over test prop and test cyp, what is it that makes test cyp a batter choice for one who wants to shed some body fat over test prop? I just haven't read anything that says why its better. #1. I am looking at my next cycle right now and have my mind set on a 10-12 week test cyp at 200mg twice a week (400mg total) with 40mg Tbol a day for 3. 5-4 weeks as a kickstart. My last cycle (first) was test prop only and I will have a good bit left over. Is it possible to kickstart with test prop going into a cyp cycle?Tes cyp. vs Test prop. Dosage. So my doctor gave me a new option to choose between 100mg/4 days of test cyp (whcih would be an average of 175 mg/week) or 25mg of Test prop EOD (which would only be 87. 5 mg per week, so half of the test cyp dose) . So is test prop twice as strong as test cyp?18 comments. Add a Comment. PatriotUncleSam • 2 yr. ago. Test Cyp, IMO longer esther is always better. I like knowing that if I get busy I can miss a day and it's not the end of the world. The half life on test prop is roughly 18 hours, it's atomic weight is also much higher which means painful injections for 7/10 people. #1. For anyone with solid Testosterone injection knowledge: So, I'm finishing up three weeks of my first Cyanostane cycle. My start date got delayed twice due to anomalies in bloodwork and waiting on other test results. Prior to beginning this cycle, I was on TRT using Test Cypionate 200mg/ml at 1ml. every other week. Test cyp/ prop together? Galaxy9. Jun 8, 2019. Galaxy9. Registered. Joined. May 31, 2019. Messages. 31. Reaction score. 1. Jun 8, 2019. #1. On TRT @ 100mg per week and thinking about adding test prop on top of the cyp. Can they be mixed in the same pin? What would be a good blast plan for these? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. rubisean. how best to dose test prop vs. test cyp. anviliron. Aug 25, 2015. anviliron. New member. Aug 25, 2015. #1. As far as testosterone I've only used test cyp. Never tried prop or enanth, etc. With cyp I get great results with 600mgs/week. Test E vs. Test Cyp vs. Test Prop | Anabolic Steroid Forums. Forums. AAS Zone. Anabolic Steroids. Test E vs. Test Cyp vs. Test Prop. smalld01. Dec 3, 2012. cyp favorite prop test. S. smalld01. Registered. Joined. Oct 8, 2012. Messages. 71. Reaction score. 2. Dec 3, 2012. #1. Okay, so what's everybody's favorite form of test?Test Prop and Test Cyp Dose Equivalency : r/Testosterone. I recently switched from Cyp to Prop based on some people saying they preferred Prop. How can I calculate an equivalent dose of test prop to test Cyp since there are different ester weights? 5. 4 comments. Add a Comment. Thisam • 3 yr. ago. #1. Below are my Lab results from my use of Test Cyp @ 20mg ed/SQ for 8 months and Test Prop @ 15mg ed/sq for about 3 months. Test Cyp @ 20mg ED/SQ (8 months) Free Testosterone. 168. 7 pg/mL. 47. 0 - 244. 0 pg/mL. Estradiol, Serum. 72 pg/mL. <=40 pg/mL. H. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. 21 nmol/L. 11 - 80 nmol/L. #1. Hi guys, i am about to start my second cycle and i am having second thoughts about using test prop as i have never pinned anything before. lol i am ready to pin myself 4x a week if test prop is a better choice but if i can get the same result from a longer ester then why not save some money and time. Which one do you guys think is better?1. test Prop 50mg M,W,F. 2. test cyp 75mg M and F. 3. test sust 150mg 1x per week. -all with 6mg Aromasin ED and 250iu HCG 2x per week. Also, is test prop a reasonable for of test for TRT? I dont see this used much and I am not certain why other than it requiring more frequent injections. Thanks Guys! ManoftheWorld. New member. Kilo Klub Member. 1 Testosterone Propionate Benefits. 2 Testosterone Propionate Side Effects. 3 Testosterone Propionate Cycle. 3. 1 Beginner Cycle. 3. 2 Intermediate Cycle. 3. 3 Advanced Cycle. 4 Testosterone Propionate Results. 5 Testosterone Propionate Vs Testosterone Suspension. 6 Testosterone Propionate vs Testosterone Undecanoate. Test Prop vs Test Cyp for TRT. Joltan. Dec 11, 2021. Joltan. Active member. Registered. Joined. Jan 16, 2015. Messages. 427. Dec 11, 2021. #1. Anyone notice a difference between these? Prop is generally more expensive. If I recall I remember hearing from someone that you hold less water weight on Prop. any truth to that? B. blmcgee81. PCT For Testosterone Cycle - Test Prop, Enanthate, Cypionate. PCT for Testosterone Cycle. Written by Daniel Louwrens BSc PT. Updated On January 18, 2023. So you hopped on the juice for 12 weeks and now you're ready to hop off this speeding bus. Better not fall…#1. I'm not considering doing an illegal cycle for about 8 months or so, but it sure is fun to plan. my question is given the following two options would prop result in a lot less bloat. test prop 125 mg eod. or. test cyp (or enan) 500 mg weekly. Aug 24, 2020. #1. Please help me choose. I want to get lean and gain some mass, so lean and muscular but my source only has 2 types of test. Propionate and cypionate both 100mgs/ml doses. what would be the best way to use both esters? I was thinking 200mgs of each per week. BigArms42. V. I. P. Moderator. Gold. Aug 24, 2020. #2. Test Propionate Experiences. Hi guys, Just want to give my N=1 experience for test prop. Background: I'm 41 years old. I had been on test cypionate for about two years, prescribed by my urologist. Also on hcg. Dose was 22mg of test cypionate subcutaneous EoD; combined with hcg (250iu, 2x per week) I had a total test of about 700 ng/dL. Dec 14, 2013. #1. My doc has had me on TRT for about a year and a half now. On this go around, he put me on a Cypionate/ Propionate blend. It is 200mg cyp/ 50 mg Prop. (Per ml). His instructions to me are to take . 75ml injections twice weekly. I guess this equals 300mg Cypionate/ 75mg Propionate per week = 375mg total per week. Cypress Measure P was on the ballot as a referral in Cypress on November 3, 2020. It was approved . In comparing injections of testosterone propionate vs. testosterone cypionate, the cypionate injections are very easy for most men to tolerate and are used far less frequently. Once either of these forms of testosterone break down and enter your system, they are the same substance as far as your body concerned. #1. Hey guys I'm starting my first cycle and mixing test prop and test cyp and pinning 2X a week for 12-16 weeks Was just wondering about pct because prop says start pct 3 days after last injection but cyp it says 18 days after last infection. But I am mixing the two together. Cypionate and propionate are both forms of testosterone used in hormone therapy in males who do not produce sufficient testosterone naturally. Both substances are thought about steriods and are illegal to use without prescription from a doctor. 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Test Cyp? | iSARMS Forums Test Cyp vs. Test Prop - Pharma / TRT - COMMUNITY - T NATION Testosterone Propionate vs. Testosterone Cypionate Tes cyp. vs Test prop. Dosage : r/Testosterone - Reddit Test E vs. Test Cyp vs. Test Prop | Anabolic Steroid Forums Cypress, California, Measure P, Election Procedures . - Ballotpedia Test cyp or test prop? : r/Testosterone - Reddit Test Cyp/ Prop stack - AnabolicMinds. com TRT - Test Cyp, Test Prop, or Test Sust - water bloat test prop vs cypionate | Anabolex Forums how best to dose test prop vs. test cyp | Evolutionary. org Steroids . test prop v test cyp - AnabolicMinds. com Test Prop @ 15mg ED/SQ vs Test Cyp - Excel Male TRT Forum Test cyp/ prop together? | Anabolic Steroid Forums Combining Test. Propionate and Test. Cypionate? - IronMag Labs Forums Test Prop vs Test Cyp for TRT - Professional Muscle Test prop test cyp cycle - AnabolicMinds. com Kickstarting a Test Cyp cycle with Test Prop? | iSARMS Forums