

Joined on May 2, 2021

  • Compiler 2023 Programming Assignment III Compiler for Java Assembly Code Generation Due Date: 2023/06/16 Lab3 link This assignment is to generate Java assembly code (for Java Virtual Machines) of the given μRust program. The generated code will then be translated to the Java bytecode by the Java assembler, Jasmin. The generated Java bytecode should be run by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) successfully. Environmental SetupOS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Install dependencies: $ sudo apt install flex bison Java Virtual Machine (JVM): $ sudo apt install default-jre
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  • Compiler 2023 Programming Assignment I Lexical Definition Due Date: 2023/03/31 Lab1 link Your assignment is to write a scanner for the μRust language with lex. This document gives the lexical definition of the language, while the syntactic definition and code generation will follow in subsequent assignments. Your programming assignments are based around this division and later assignments will use the parts of the system you have built in the earlier assignments. That is, in the first assignment you will implement the scanner using lex, in the second assignment you will implement the syntactic definition in yacc. This definition is subject to modification as the semester progresses. You should take care in implementation that the codes you write are well-structured and able to be revised easily.
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  • Class Definitions 你過去可能學過String或者Scanner這些的,他們在java裡都是class 今天這門課要教你的是如何寫自己的class A Class Is a Type class是一種自己定義的型別 你可以用class去宣告一個變數,我們將它稱為object
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