# Chapter 11: Hierarchical models
#### Key idea
We learn generalized concepts naturally:
- poodle, Dalmatian, Labrador → dog
- sedan, coupe, convertible, wagon → car
How do we build models that can learn these _abstract_ concepts?
### Example 1: Bags with colored balls
Each bag can learn its own categorical distribution. It explains previously observed data well but fails to generalize.
Let's say this is what we observe:
var observedData = [
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'black'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'red'},
{bag: 'bag3', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag3', draw: 'orange'}
Human observation: All bags have __blue__ as predominant color. This is an abstract (generalized) notion of distribution of colors in bags. The below approach does not work:
As you can see, it predicts poorly the distribution of bags 3 and N.
But if we try to learn a shared prototype, it works:
It predicts the distribution of an unseen bag N very well.
### Example 2: Learning generalized vs specific prototypes
> Suppose that we have a number of bags that all have identical prototypes: they mix red and blue in proportion 2:1. But the learner doesn’t know this. She observes only one ball from each of N bags. What can she learn about an individual bag versus the population as a whole as the number of bags changes?
If the data comes from different bags, the generalized prototype learns well but the specific one does not:
var data = [{bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag2', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag3', draw:'blue'},
{bag:'bag4', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag5', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag6', draw:'blue'},
{bag:'bag7', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag8', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag9', draw:'blue'},
{bag:'bag10', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag11', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag12', draw:'blue'}]
But if all samples come from a single bag, the specific prototype learns well but the generalized one does not:
var data = [{bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'blue'},
{bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'blue'},
{bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'blue'},
{bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'red'}, {bag:'bag1', draw:'blue'}]
### Learning Overhypotheses: Abstraction at the Superordinate Level
> Suppose that we observe that `bag1` consists of all blue marbles, `bag2` consists of all green marbles, `bag3` all red, and so on. This doesn’t tell us to expect a particular color in future bags, but it does suggest that bags are very regular—that all bags consist of marbles of only one color.
Suppose we have the following data:
var observedData = [
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'},
{bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'},
{bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'},
{bag: 'bag4', draw: 'orange'}]
Note that we only have one sample from `bag4` and no sample from `bag N`.
- We can confidently say that all samples from `bag4` are orange.
- For bag N, any color is equally probable.
This can be modeled by defining our prototype as:
// the global prototype mixture:
var phi = dirichlet(ones([5, 1]))
// regularity parameters: how strongly we expect the global prototype to project
// (ie. determine the local prototypes):
var alpha = gamma(2,2)
var prototype = T.mul(phi, alpha)
After observing the data, `alpha` will end up being significantly smaller than 1.
> This means roughly that the learned prototype in phi should exert less influence on prototype estimation for a new bag than a single observation.
Now let's say we have the following data:
var observedData = [
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'green'},
{bag: 'bag1', draw: 'black'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag1', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'black'},
{bag: 'bag2', draw: 'black'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag2', draw: 'green'},
{bag: 'bag3', draw: 'red'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'green'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'blue'},
{bag: 'bag3', draw: 'blue'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'black'}, {bag: 'bag3', draw: 'green'},
{bag: 'bag4', draw: 'orange'}]
> The marble color is instead variable within bags to about the same degree that it varies in the population as a whole.
In this case `alpha` is significantly greater than 1.
### Example: The Shape Bias
It is `the preference to generalize a novel label for some object to other objects of the same shape, rather than say the same color or texture.`
Let's say each object category has four attributes: `'shape', 'color', 'texture', 'size'`. Let's say the following data is observed:
var observedData = [{cat: 'cat1', shape: 1, color: 1, texture: 1, size: 1},
{cat: 'cat1', shape: 1, color: 2, texture: 2, size: 2},
{cat: 'cat2', shape: 2, color: 3, texture: 3, size: 1},
{cat: 'cat2', shape: 2, color: 4, texture: 4, size: 2},
{cat: 'cat3', shape: 3, color: 5, texture: 5, size: 1},
{cat: 'cat3', shape: 3, color: 6, texture: 6, size: 2},
{cat: 'cat4', shape: 4, color: 7, texture: 7, size: 1},
{cat: 'cat4', shape: 4, color: 8, texture: 8, size: 2},
{cat: 'cat5', shape: 5, color: 9, texture: 9, size: 1}]
Let's define the range of values of attributes:
var values = {shape: _.range(11), color: _.range(11), texture: _.range(11), size: _.range(11)};
> One needs to allow for more values along each dimension than appear in the training data so as to be able to generalize to novel shapes, colors, etc.
Here each `attr` has its own `phi` and `alpha`:
var categoryPosterior = Infer({method: 'MCMC', samples: 10000}, function(){
var prototype = mem(function(attr){
var phi = dirichlet(ones([values[attr].length, 1]))
var alpha = exponential(1)
return T.mul(phi,alpha)
var makeAttrDist = mem(function(cat, attr){
var probs = dirichlet(prototype(attr))
return Categorical({vs: values[attr], ps: probs})
var obsFn = function(datum){
map(function(attr){observe(makeAttrDist(datum.cat,attr), datum[attr])},
mapData({data: observedData}, obsFn)
return {cat5shape: sample(makeAttrDist('cat5','shape')),
cat5color: sample(makeAttrDist('cat5','color')),
catNshape: sample(makeAttrDist('catN','shape')),
catNcolor: sample(makeAttrDist('catN','color'))}
> The program above gives us draws from some novel category for which we’ve seen a single instance. In the experiments with children, they had to choose one of three choice objects which varied according to the dimension they matched the example object from the category.
### Example: Beliefs about Homogeneity and Generalization
[In this study](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22The%20use%20of%20statistical%20heuristics%20in%20everyday%20inductive%20reasoning.%22), the authors found that:
> to what extent people generalise depends on beliefs about the homogeneity of the group that the object falls in with respect to the property they are being asked to generalize about.
Let's say on a new island you encounter one male person a tribe T.
__Obesity__: If he is obese, how likely are other male members of tribe T to be obese?
__Intuition__: Not so likely because obesity is a feature with heterogenous distribution within a tribe.
__Skin color__: If he is brown, how likely are other male members of tribe T to be brown?
__Intuition__: Quite likely because skin color varies across tribes but is uniform in a single tribe.
#### Analogy to bags with color balls
Bag: tribe
Color: obesity or skin color
Here is what they found:
Again, a compound Dirichlet-multinomial distribution was used to model this experiment.
### ToDo: One-shot learning of visual categories
> __Motivation__: Humans are able to categorize objects (in a space with a huge number of dimensions) after seeing just one example of a new category. For example, after seeing a single wildebeest people are able to identify other wildebeest, perhaps by drawing on their knowledge of other animals.
Read [this paper (pdf)](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v27/salakhutdinov12a/salakhutdinov12a.pdf).
### ToDo: Get some ideas using overhypotheses from [this](https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-child-language/article/variability-negative-evidence-and-the-acquisition-of-verb-argument-constructions/D62EDBFF5A8F1ACC821451FEAD3C88FB) paper.
###### tags: `probabilistic-models-of-cognition`