--- type: slide slideOptions: transition: slide parallaxBackgroundImage: 'https://i.imgur.com/kBNEMDJ.png' parallaxBackgroundSize: '100% 100%' parallaxBackgroundHorizontal: 0 --- # In-protocol PBS * Why PBS? * What kind of PBS? * How to improve PBS? --- ## Why PBS? --- * "MEV" * Literal meaning: any value that the block proposer can extract (incl priority fees) * De-facto meaning: value that requires sophisticated algorithms (optimized TX selection, DEX arbitrage, claiming on-chain bounties...) * Result is economies of scale in block construction --- ![](https://i.imgur.com/msfyBgJ.png) Economies of scale risk creating incentives for centralization. --- PBS separates "being a validator" into two roles: ![](https://i.imgur.com/FKFBpeO.png) <small> <ol> <li style="color:#ffff88"> A low-economies-of-scale "boring" notary function</li> <li style="color:#ff8888"> A high-economies-of-scale block construction role </li> </ol> </small> --- Goal: allow the block construction role to become more centralized (it's okay if one actor chooses > 50% of all block contents!), to preserve decentralization of the critical consensus layer. --- ## What kind of PBS? --- PBS is structured as an _auction_: &nbsp; * Each block builder makes a _bid_ for the next slot * The block proposer chooses the highest bid * The block builder publishes the corresponding block --- Key properties we must preserve: &nbsp; * Builder can't cheat proposers * eg. builder can't refuse to publish and deny the proposer their revenue * Proposer can't cheat builders * eg. proposer can't look at the builder's block and replace it with their own block "stealing" the builder's strategy --- MEV Boost (depends on trusted relayers) ![](https://i.imgur.com/kH5KDZu.png) --- Two-slot PBS: ![](https://i.imgur.com/q3mviQw.png) https://ethresear.ch/t/two-slot-proposer-builder-separation/10980 --- One-slot PBS: ![](https://i.imgur.com/O4BVcdJ.png) https://ethresear.ch/t/single-slot-pbs-using-attesters-as-distributed-availability-oracle/11877 --- Do builders have to pre-commit to block contents? * Advantage if yes: * Builder profits are deterministic and guaranteed, making it easier to participate * Advantages if no: * More compatible with cross-domain MEV systems * Winning builders could offfer pre-confirmation services --- ## How to improve PBS? --- Censorship in PBS is still expensive. But it's much less expensive than censorship today. ![](https://i.imgur.com/JrGLkHL.png) --- Idea 1: secondary blocks &nbsp; * Proposers can select "auxiliary blocks" which contain transactions censored by the main block * Transactions now have many parallel opportunities to get included. Censors have to outbid the transactor many times --- Idea 2: crLists &nbsp; * Proposers can create lists of transactions, which the builder must include unless the block is too full to include all of them --- Internally decentralized builders &nbsp; * Builders can decentralize internally, accepting "bundles" from an open market of "searchers" * Key challenge: preventing builders (and other searchers) from cheating searchers * Solution path: searcher bundles encrypted until block is "locked in" * Challenge: requires either a trusted builder, SGX or fast ZK-EVM --- Challenges &nbsp; * Agree on the in-protocol PBS design (may depend on single-slot finality!) * Maximally solve censorship resistance * Make it easier to build market-winning internally-decentralized builders * More exploration into cross-domain MEV