# Regional / Local Culture Praxis & Its Economic Exchange: Public Machine 「區域性經濟交換社群實踐:公共機器」 [李士傑 Shih-Chieh Ilya Li](http://work.ilyagram.org/docs/self),20181027,Note for exchange, Unconference / MicroWave Art Festival,HongKong ## We Think & Do Public (Sphere) Culture Technology - Culturemondo.org: Digital Culture Community, Taiwan eLearning and Digital Archive Program (TELDAP) - Opinion Mining, Social Media Exploration - Interactive Script Writing And Presentation System ## The Contesting Zone Between Culture and Technology - Internet activist: Nettime mailing list era, and critical Internet studies - Internet culture policy advocate - (Experimental) Infrastructure praxis 對於曾經參加過網路運動(net.activism)時代的人而言,網際網路始終伴隨著公共性的挑戰:如何從無到有地創造出連結的媒介,並且維持虛實共存世界的公共性的運作。過往我們所經歷的訊息同步世界,從 RSS Feed 到臉書的「動態消息」,構成了社交媒體網絡的基礎,顛覆甚至取代了大眾媒體時代的電子想像共同體。 ### Scenario 0: Registry for Artist or Art Organization - Based on Ethereum Public / Private Chain - 1st person-centered assertion for creator - Like arxiv.org for artist and art group - Collaborated with Living Art Foundation Taiwan ## Connecting Mechanism - information: RSS Feed, Facebook Timeline (動態消息) - GPS, IoTs, Sensor Network conveying site-information - encrypted currency rush, fintech, and blockchain: value ### Scenario 1: Finding Truth: Fighting "Fake News" - clickbait, and the other machines automate mistrust - social media as the abyss - returning to the oral communication tradition (but with new speed and coverage) - how blockchain could help us to anchor fact or truth, in the era of real-time communication 在這個基礎之上,假新聞,一種依賴於社交媒體高權重優先擴散機制而漫溢的情感動員現象,讓公共性面臨危機;在失去通路的新聞媒體已不再被人們青睞的處境下,口語關係傳播的重新崛起,也漸次侵蝕與吞噬了少數菁英透過社會制度壟斷的權威來源之經濟基礎。 ## New Distributed Value Delivery Mechanism with Trust - C2C: Utility token vs. Security token - B2B / B2C: Slowness vs. Fast: ICO on-the-fly - GorB2C: Privacy vs. Surveillance 與此同樣在滋長中的力量,是區塊鏈加密貨幣結合消費點數系統,競爭法幣的流通運用的趨勢。從訊息的集中到分散,資訊社會邁向金融實踐的集中往分散移動,帶來了如歐美與中國 P2P 金融信貸的快速成長最終泡沫化的改變歷程。 物聯網(IoTs, Internet of Things)所帶來的機器治理(machine governance)議題,已經透過交易滲透進日常生活,在信用資料庫的支援下,取得了新的權力。消費反而變成控制的工具。我們是否有機會建立自主性的混搭回饋網路,建構區域性的金融社群實踐,以便有機會在「全回饋系統」的全面籠罩下創造相對自主的區域? ### Scenario 2: Delivering Grant with Blockchain - NESTA UK blockchain Report - Traceable Agricultural Product "Resume", or a more aggressive approach - Food Resume - "Soy Coin" in [香港合作松開跑 亞洲平台合作運動正式起行](http://culturelab.tw/archives/730) ## Public Sphere Application: Building Public Machine - Negotiation and facilitation of public affairs by (chat)bots ### Scenario 3: Connecting Distributed Patterns - Restoration of Ancient Architecture - Taiwan Ministry of Culture: Digital Cultural Heritage with 3D Model Technology ![](https://i.imgur.com/UgOkVE8.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/QN0aqpb.jpg) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mrlBCpUqYGA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> - The challenges: to build infrastructure via "trustmachine" for public engagement ## Conclusion: A Need to Distribute, and Be Distributed ---- ## 區塊鏈應用 -