###### tags: `minutes` `Meeting` # Carpentry@UiO April 30 2021 Board Meeting Minutes [![hackmd-github-sync-badge](https://hackmd.io/PejllnHWQPK6gF_rNVhYFw/badge)](https://hackmd.io/PejllnHWQPK6gF_rNVhYFw) ## Present - all board members, except Annika (on leave) - Aino ## Agenda - [x] Introductions, and welcome Aino! (all, 5 minutes) - [x] [Carpentries membership tier level](https://carpentries.org/membership/) (what we want and what could be reasonable): Naoe (10 minutes) - [x] Use of announcement email list for other workshops than Carpentry-lesson based workshops: Naoe (10 minutes) - [x] Use of [HackMD team space for Carpentry@UiO ](https://hackmd.io/team/uio-carpentry?nav=overview): Naoe (5 minutes) - [x] Licence of Carpentry@UiO logo mark: Naoe (5 minutes) - [x] Board member election: Lex (5 minutes) - [x] Discussion: Carpentry@UiO community engagement. Please read this post on The Carpentries blog before the meeting: [Pondering on the Question of Community Sustainability](https://carpentries.org/blog/2021/04/community-sustainability/): Lex (20 minutes) ## Brief Intro to HackMD - Use for workshops that are not official Carpentries courses, where we can't use the Carpentries resources ## Workshops that have been going on - Tidyverse 25th - 27th workshop - Adminstrative meeting yesterday: - who to accept, how to publish? ### Why so few workshops? - COVID situation, unstable, unforseeable - workshop had to be postponed, littel interest from instructors ## Carpentries membership tier level - some people use (parts of) carpentries instructor training for 1 day "how to become a better teacher workshop" - can we do something like that - make our own module? - one approach: be generous with instructor training spots, hope that some of them "stick around" to become carpentries instructors - keep the silver membership (current level) for now, and go for a higher tier next year when the situation is more stable? - **Action**: Naoe to make a written proposal to change the membership tier level to Platinum and circulate it with the board ## To be discussed with the library - better access to rooms (before they are taken by courses) - how do we help instructors get something back (count Carpentries instruction as part of compulsory teaching duty) ## use announcement email list for other (non-carpentry events) - ~800 people on list, many outsiders - quality of teaching not always up to Carpentry standards - GDPR consent not given for people on the list -- **solve!** - opt-out not an option - must be active opt-in ("Click this link to resubscribe") - send a link to re-signup - **Action**: @Aino will figure it out ## Lisense of the logo? - We do not have a trademark - for non-carpentry workshop we need to remove all Carpentry related things. - Logo lives in the [organisational repo](https://github.com/uio-carpentry/organisational/tree/master/uio-carpentry-logofiler) - it has a CC-By 4.0 license - Someone has modified and used it in Sweden - Should we allow "outsiders" to use, modify it? - logo license in [website repo](https://github.com/uio-carpentry/uio-carpentry.github.io/blob/master/README.md) was not correct (implicitly CC-0; Fixed now) ## Elections - we missed one election in fall 2020 - next election (fall?), two seats should be up for election - activity is low to the moment. Things might be better in a year from now... - not much connection with community at the moment. - Should we hold the elections for another year? - Is it undemocratic *not* to have elections? *Decision:* see whether we can have an election somehow, have an election in August, call for candidates around June ## Community engagement - Doing another social activity - setting up an election to create some momentum? - blog post for the Carpentries - newsletter? - what have we done - announce elections - "testimonials" from learners *Does UiO have means to make nice-looking newsletters?*