[![](https://i.imgur.com/KjKZdio.png =300x)](https://bitbucket.org/nctu_5g/free5gc-stage-1/src/master/) free5GC Distributed Installation Guide ====================================== ## Network Topology ![](https://i.imgur.com/GptM18w.png) ## Install free5GC #### About MongoDB - MongoDB MUST be installed on the HSS machine in distributed installation and make sure all entities are accessing to the that database. - Please add UE infomation to webUI on the HSS machine. - Please modify the MongoDB address (at the first line of `free5gc.conf` config file) for every entity. #### Install AMF, SMF, HSS, PCRF Please follow steps in **Part A** under **Installation** from [free5GC Installation on KVM](https://www.free5gc.org/installation). #### Install UPF Please follow steps in **Part A** and **Part B** under **Installation** from [free5GC Installation on KVM](https://www.free5gc.org/installation). #### Execution Order Please run UPF daemon **before** running SMF daemon. ## Setup AMF Modify `./install/etc/free5gc/free5gc.conf` 1. AMF s1ap address ```yaml amf: s1ap: addr: ``` 2. GUMMEI ```yaml amf: gummei: plmn_id: mcc: 208 mnc: 93 mme_gid: 1 mme_code: 1 ``` 3. TAI ```yaml amf: tai: plmn_id: mcc: 208 mnc: 93 tac: 1 ``` 3. SMF SBI ```yaml smf: http: addr: port: 8080 ``` In diameter configuration file `./install/etc/free5gc/freediameter/amf.conf` 1. Diameter listen address ``` ListenOn = ""; ``` 2. HSS Diameter address in `./install/etc/free5gc/freediameter/amf.conf` ``` ConnectPeer = "hss.localdomain" { ConnectTo = ""; No_TLS; }; ``` Run `./free5gc-amfd` to start the AMF deamon. ## Setup HSS In diameter configuration file `./install/etc/free5gc/freediameter/hss.conf` 1. Diameter listen address ``` ListenOn = ""; ``` 2. AMF diameter address ``` ConnectPeer = "amf.localdomain" { ConnectTo = ""; No_TLS; }; ``` Run `./nextepc-hssd` to start the HSS deamon. ## Setup UPF Modify `./install/etc/free5gc/free5gc.conf` 1. PFCP ```yaml upf: pfcp: addr: ``` 2. GTP-U ```yaml upf: gtpu: - addr: ``` Run `./free5gc-upfd` to start the UPF deamon. ## Setup SMF Modify `./install/etc/free5gc/free5gc.conf` 1. PFCP ```yaml smf: pfcp: - addr: ``` 2. UPF ```yaml smf: upf: - addr: ``` 4. SMF SBI ```yaml smf: http: addr: port: 8080 ``` In diameter configuration file `./install/etc/free5gc/freediameter/smf.conf` 1. Diameter listen address ``` ListenOn = ""; ``` 2. PCRF Diameter address in `./install/etc/free5gc/freediameter/smf.conf` ``` ConnectPeer = "pcrf.localdomain" { ConnectTo = ""; No_TLS; }; Run `./free5gc-smfd` to start the SMF daemon. ## Setup PCRF In diameter configuration file `./install/etc/free5gc/freediameter/pcrf.conf` 1. Diameter listen address ``` ListenOn = ""; ``` 2. SMF Diameter address ``` ConnectPeer = "smf.localdomain" { ConnectTo = ""; No_TLS; }; ``` Run `./nextepc-pcrfd` to start the PCRF deamon.