`recollecting-the-2000s.md` <https://hackmd.io/@trc/recollecting-the-2000s> An abstract of a 30-min opening talk for __Forking PiraGene__ (<https://lkl.clab.org.tw/publicevents>). --- Event time: [2020-12-16, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm](https://lkl.clab.org.tw/publicevents) (talk: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm). Event place: [C-LAB](https://clab.org.tw/traffic/), Art Space at Building 07. LAB KILL LAB [website](https://lkl.clab.org.tw/) and [all work stations](https://hackmd.io/@LKL/rJnaLFjmw). Forking PiraGene [work station](https://hackmd.io/@forking-piragene/). --- Project [PiraPort](http://www.mauvaiscontact.info/kop/artists/html/a9.html), based on [Pira4all: PiraGene Discovery Campaign](http://www.mauvaiscontact.info/kop/artists/html/a9_2.html) (2001, Autrijus Tang & Ilya Eric Lee) --- # Recollecting The 2000s | 尋憶 2000 年代 2020-12-01 Tyng-Ruey Chuang (trc) 莊庭瑞 ## Recollecting The 2000s CD-R drives, newly arrived USB memory sticks, campus servers loaded with thousands of MP3 tracks --- these were the early 2000s media and keywords that once excited the people. Let a hundred blogs bloom, and let it be known the net shall beget a new era of the "we media". The future branched elsewhere, however, and now we search the digital remains of the past at the Internet Archive. At the beginning of the third millennium, the GNU General Public License was deemed a viral threat. Free software developers were said to be communists. When Wikipedia was still criticized as a work of the amateur, nevertheless Taipei hosted the 2007 Wikimania. Was Taiwan an island full of copyright thefts? What is that all about? Developed by Autrijus Tang and Ilya Eric Lee, _PiraGene_ was a project concept curated in the 2001 collection _Kingdom of Piracy_ by Shu Lea CHEANG, Armin‭ ‬MEDOSCH, and Yukiko‭ ‬SHIKATA. The LAB KILL LAB public derivatives and overwrites to _PiraGene_, 20 years after, is a homage to all the practitioners in the world as well as a remembrance of the yesteryear's vision of the network future. ## 尋憶 2000 年代 CD-R 光碟燒錄機、剛問世的 USB 隨身碟、以及校園網路塞滿 MP3 檔案的伺服器,是 2000 年代初期令人悸動的載體與密語。眾人開講的部落格,昭示著「自媒體」時代的來臨,但今日的你可還記得樂多日誌?你可聽過明日報個人新聞台?千禧年之初,公眾授權條款 GPL 被認為是病毒,自由軟體的開發者被說是共產主義者。維基百科還受鄙視的時候,台北卻舉辦了 2007 年全球瘋維基大會。台灣跟盜版王國又有甚麼關係? 〈派樂基因〉(PiraGene) 是 Autrijus Tang (唐宗漢)與 Ilya Eric Lee (李士傑)的計畫構想,收錄於 2001 年由鄭淑麗 (Shu Lea CHEANG)、阿爾敏.麥多士 (Armin‭ ‬MEDOSCH) 以及四方幸子 (Yukiko‭ ‬SHIKATA) 所策展的《派樂西王國》(Kingdom of Piracy)。二十年後 LAB KILL LAB 對〈派樂基因〉的公眾衍繹與覆寫,可視為對世界所有的實踐者的致意,也是對昨日的網路遠景的追憶。 --- [Tyng-Ruey Chuang](https://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~trc/public/) is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. His collaboration with the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute on the [Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network](https://roadkill.tw/) received a National Agricultural Science Award in 2019. He helped set up the [Sunflower Movement Archive](http://public.318.io/) which was featured in an exhibition on [Social Movements in Post-War Taiwan](https://the.nmth.gov.tw/Spec/#exhibition_236_405). He was the public lead of [Creative Commons Taiwan](http://creativecommons.tw/) for 15 years until its transition to a community project in 2018. He served as a board member of the [Taiwan Association of Human Rights](http://www.tahr.org.tw/) and was once the chair of the board of the [Software Liberty Association of Taiwan](https://slat.org/). [莊庭瑞](https://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~trc/public/)任職於台灣的中央研究院資訊科學研究所為副研究員。他與台灣特有生物研究保育中心的協作[「台灣動物路死觀察網」](https://roadkill.tw/)獲得2019年的國家農業科學獎。他所協助建立的[「318公民運動文物紀錄典藏庫」](http://public.318.io/)為國立台灣歷史博物館[「戰後台灣社會運動特展」](https://the.nmth.gov.tw/Spec/#exhibition_236_405)的一部分。[「台灣創用CC計畫」](http://creativecommons.tw/)於2018年轉型為社群計畫之前,他擔任了十五年的計畫主持人。他曾為[台灣人權促進會](http://www.tahr.org.tw/)的執行委員以及[中華民國軟體自由協會](https://slat.org/)的理事長。 --- This work is released under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License][L]. 本作品以 [CC BY-SA 4.0][L] 授權條款釋出。 [L]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ "Creative Commons &mdash; Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International &mdash; CC BY-SA 4.0"