# How to Import QVR Pro Recordings ###### tags: `QVR Pro` *Note: You can only import from QVI video formats. Additionally, this tutorial was demonstrated on **QVR Pro**, so other versions of QVR Pro may differ.* 1. Open **QVR Pro** and enable **Use Recording File Explorer to access recordings**. To do this, open **Recording Storage** > **Recording File Explorer** tab > check **Use Recording File Explorer to access recordings**. *Note: This only has to be done on the NAS you're importing **from**, even if you are importing from the same NAS. If you are importing from the same NAS, the backed up QVI_Format folder cannot be stored in * ![](https://i.imgur.com/FD3SlZa.png) 2. Staying on the **Recording Storage** window, click on the **Recording Import** tab > **Input Recording**. 3. This mini-window will appear, allowing you to select the recording import. 1. Select the NAS from where you'd like to import recordings. 2. Select the **QVI_Format** folder. 3. Click **Next**. ![](https://i.imgur.com/JiNV1hY.png) 4. Select the Source Channel(s) you'd like to import, then specify the destinations channel(s) and recording space(s). Finally, click **Apply**. ![](https://i.imgur.com/L2amk7N.png) 5. When the importing is complete, it will indicate that it is done. ![](https://i.imgur.com/y2p5nld.png) 6. (Optional) You can view your footage in the **QVR Pro Client** by dragging the camera and changing the playback date to the imported recording date. ![](https://i.imgur.com/FoUElzH.png)