For new contributors to the Notary project it is hard to understand the governance structure of the project, navigate the relevant repositories and understand the purpose for each repository and practices used for each piece of the project.
Few examples of the confusion are the following:
Notary Project has a notaryproject repository that may be the logical place to go with when browsing the organization and trying to learn about the project. However, this repository does not contain any Governance information in it; it is intended for specs only.
Governance information ( documents) is available in the notary repository, which has the legacy Notary code. Other repositories have Code of Conduct, Contributing, and Release Management documents but those are inconsistent and introduce more confusion.
Notes and meeting recordings are inconsistent. While capturing meeting notes is done consistently it seems the recording are not posted on a regular basis (Note: recordings are available in Zoom but they require the manual posting to YouTube, which is tedious). In the meeting notes on there is a link to YouTube playlist but the last video is more than a year ago. Also, the meeting notes post confusing links to old notes archives. Last, but not least, the meeting notes not always capture the attendees and the decisions that are made. Recent examples are the notes from 2022-11-21, 2022-11-28, 2022-12-12, 2022-12-15, 2022-12-19. Without detailed meeting notes and lack of videos, the transparency in the community is reduced and folks need to attend the meetings to understand the project development.
This has impact on the branding, the communication as well as of the security of the project. To improve the governance of the project, I would like to propose the following.