## Agenda ## Attending - Matt McCormick - Henry S - Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin - Ryan Mast ## Discussion - Ryan's using scikit-build for software for energy simulations. See https://docs.helics.org/en/latest/ - Henry is at PyCon - scikit-build in talk - Slides on [iscipynumpy.dev](https://iscinumpy.dev/) - Talk is recorded and will be online later - May attend Packaging Summit - Pinging for feedback on `dynamic_metadata` - scikit-build talk accepted for SciPy Conf, proceeding submission in progress - cibuildwheel - Python 3.13 - uv support - opt-in to native build, flag `wheel.cmake` to `false`, `wheel.cmake`, build binary portion, pylib. See https://scikit-build-core.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html - pure + compiled example: `black`, `mypy` - pip use `--no-binary` to build from sdist - scikit-build-core - build tool args, `-L` for `ninja` - Free threaded, Python 3.13, manylinux with `t` - build an extension that doesn't have GIL support builtin - the extension needs to just use the threads - Stable ABI does not work with Free Threaded - Stable ABI 4 may support - mirrors-prettier - Archived in April 2024. https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier - _prettier made some changes that breaks plugins entirely_. See [mirrors-prettier@f62a70a3a](https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier/commit/f62a70a3a7114896b062de517d72829ea1c884b6) - Possible path forward would be to compile prettier to wasm and use it through [wasmtime](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime) - Binding python with web assembly - https://wasm.itk.org/en/latest/ - Cross platform tooling for building https://github.com/dockcross/dockcross#readme