title: "[Theme Preview] Dark theme"
tags: HackMD-Theme-Demo
{%hackmd hackmd-dark-theme %}
# Example
- Unordered List
- Unordered List
## Second Level Header
Let's see an example Zap. This Zap will create meeting minutes 15 minutes before the meeting for attendees to drop their agenda in.
:warning: Before the following steps, you need a Zapier account. Sign up [here](https://zapier.com/sign-up?utm_source=hackmd&utm_medium=inline-link) if you don't have one.
1. Name the Zap and choose Google Calendar.
![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r11dI5089.png =640x)
Google Calendar has a Trigger Event, `Event Start`, which suits our use case.
2. It will ask you to connect to a Google Calendar by logging in to a Google account.
![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJv0v90U5.png =640x)