--- tags: Design, Restrictions, Headcoder --- # Headcoder pronouncements Here is a list of pronouncements that don't fit anywhere else. #### Xenobio content freeze due to the persistent issues with xenobio being a very surface deep job, there is a block on all xenobio content until the following conditions are fulfilled 1) every slime colour requires a different food type 2) every slime colour requires at least one independent environmental condition (temperature, presence of a gas etc.) Ideally future enhancements would also include such things as slimes getting sick, requiring virology to assist with managing diseases, and needing surgeries etc. #### Lavaland/offstation content The freeze on offstation and lavaland ruin content is lifted, with the proviso that all ruins need to be approved by the maptainers. #### Supermatter as primary engine on maps Maps not using the SM as their power source will be denied (already standing policy, just writing it down) The rest are gone now anyway, so that's done with. #### Armour on clothing items You cannot add armour to clothing items that obviously do not make sense to have armour, for example, berets having the same armour count as actual helmets, the exemptions here are admin only items that require admins to add to the round. #### Alternate job uniforms Jobs do not need multiple alternate uniforms in their closets, If you want to add a alternate uniform, you can put it in a cargo crate, or put it in costume vendors that are public access. ##### Formal uniform The only exception to this is Heads of Staff, who can have a single formal outfit as well (This includes QM), but adding/altering any of these outfits will require you to add a formal clothing vendor to the bridge breakroom. #### Stun batons (and stun combat in general) Any discussion or change around stun batons must adequately consider the following: 1. Nerfing stun batons will make nonlethal arrests from security significantly less desirable. Antagonists have plenty of tools to kill, and while other tools such as disablers, pepper spray, etc have their place, do not have the consistency of a stun baton. An average level skilled player should still be able to reasonably participate in security. 2. Stealth antagonists, especially ones that do not have gear (like obsessed), rely on tools like stun batons because they are fairly accessible and good at enabling this playstyle. It is already a common issue that antagonists will play "loud", where they are not secret about the fact they are an antagonist--stealth should not be further discouraged. 3. There is more to fights than individuals vs individuals/teams. Fights with multiple people on both sides are very fun, and stun batons are much more balanced in this environment. Making a change like changing the stuns to require 3 hits would make them completely useless in these fights. #### Common Radio Common radio shall not be removed from the game. At this point in time, it is critically important to getting people to interact with each other, and to assist the global narrative of the round. #### Conversion Antagonists No more conversion antagonists unless your antagonist: 1. ...is easily understandable by a convertee who is new to the antagonist, and especially new to the game 2. ...somehow fits criteria 1 without just being revs # Animal races ![no more animal races, not for any technical reasons but because they are uninspired](https://file.house/aIaw.jpeg) # IPC's/ Borg like roundstart races Are denied because we already have borgs/AI's, fufilling a unique and mechanical part of the round, there is no need for more silicon lifeforms # Magic/Fantasy content themes Do not add more magic/fantasy based content without explicit approval from headcoders, we would like to lean more heavily into the retro scifi flavour Retro sci-fi is 80's style computing technology, but with far more advanced functionality. Think floppy disk computers, dial up modems etc. Alien Isolation is a good example of a modern game that has this style of theme. For existing magic/fantasy content - Cult, wizard, heretic, Chaplain religions, you can continue to extend these, but we ask that you try to lean more to the sci fi side of the occult than the fantasy side. # Body zones, aiming Body zone switching is extremely clunky and takes you out of the flow and out of the immersion. Having a feature that uses body zone switching isn't necessarily blocked, but it will be treated as a negative. This means any change with the goal of increasing the importance of body zone switching in combat, for instance, is denied.