# Common Issues for Parse Dashboard / Node / NPM ### ~~🚧 REFRESH THIS PAGE PERIODICALLY, WE'RE IRONING OUT THE KINKS RN...~~ --- ## permissions error... - Follow the steps below for the "env: node: no such file or directory" issue, that is probably your underlying error. **Start from "Step 1 Uninstall node" below...** --- ## "command not found" error... This error happens when you quit and re-open Terminal later, and Terminal does not remember that you already installed NPM, NVM, Node, and Parse Dashboard. Fortunately, there are some extra commands we can use to get Terminal to permanently remember the installation... - If you see **"command not found: parse-dashboard"** on a Mac, try this: - `echo "export NVM_DIR=\"\$HOME/.nvm\"" >> $HOME/.zshrc` - `echo "[ -s \"\$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh\" ] && \. \"\$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh\"" >> $HOME/.zshrc` - Quit your Terminal (Mac) program, and restart it (Done! Moving forward, Terminal should never show "command not found" again.) - Now try using the parse-dashboard command again: - `parse-dashboard --appId YOUR_APP_ID_HERE --masterKey ...` - Other "command not found" issues? Try following the instructions for the other issue instead (see below), that might be the underlying issue you're actually facing. **Start from "Step 1 Uninstall node" below...** --- ## env: node: no such file or directory... If you see a **`env: node: no such file or directory`** error when installing Node or Parse Dashboard, try the following steps to resolve the issue... 1. Uninstall node - `curl -ksO https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nicerobot/2697848/raw/uninstall-node.sh` - `chmod +x ./uninstall-node.sh` - `./uninstall-node.sh` - ^ hit ENTER when it pauses at the "Use at your own risk!" disclaimers 1. Install NVM *(Node Version Manager)* - `curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash` - `export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"` - `echo "export NVM_DIR=\"\$HOME/.nvm\"" >> $HOME/.zshrc` - `[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"` - `echo "[ -s \"\$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh\" ] && \. \"\$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh\"" >> $HOME/.zshrc` 1. Use NVM to install Node and NPM - `nvm install node` - ^ if that gives you an error with a santa link (`https://our.interns.facebook.com/intern/etc...`), paste this link into Safari or Chrome and vote to unblock NVM for yourself, and then **WAIT FOR APPROVAL FROM FB THEN TRY AGAIN** run the `nvm install node` command one more time **AFTER** FB approves it for you. (Takes a few mins to approve β˜• ) - if you are waiting a long time to get approved and still the command does not work click on the **'Check this wiki if you've been waiting for longer than 10 minutes'** link in the page where you vote to unblock your app 1. Now you can try installing Parse Dashboard again - `npm install -g parse-dashboard` - ^ if you see "no such file or directory", try running `nvm install node` once again 1. Feel free to use parse-dashboard now as [normal](https://guides.codepath.com/android/Configuring-a-Parse-Server) - `parse-dashboard --appId "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE" --masterKey "YOUR_MASTER_KEY_HERE" --serverURL "https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN_HERE.herokuapp.com/parse"` - ^ once you see "The dashboard is now available at ", go to... -, OR - https://localhost:4040 --- ## all other issues... 1. ~~Refresh this page! 🚧 We're ironing out the kinks on the above solutions at the moment...~~ 2. Check out the other [Hints](https://courses.codepath.com/courses/android_university_fast_track/unit/10#!hints) for Parsetagram 3. Add your name to the [Support Queue](https://hackmd.io/f8ZfIkFlSK-amjictFV4Ng?both) and a TA can pop into your Pod to help! πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ 😁