# Project Page Documentation Tracker :::info :information_source: **About** This document contains information about the project page's modules (or sections), including links and status. - GH Repository: - Drafts Directory (`Documentation` branch): https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/AssurancePlatform/tree/documentation/site/drafts - Issue: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/AssurancePlatform/issues/190 - Public Project Pages: https://alan-turing-institute.github.io/AssurancePlatform/ ::: ## User Guidance Modules :::warning :question: **What are these modules about?** These modules are to help stakeholders and potential users understand more about the TEA platform and how to use it (e.g. best practices). ::: | Module Title | # | Summary | Link | Status | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------- | | What is trustworthy and ethical assurance? | 1 | General purpose introduction to assurance as a concept. | https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/AssurancePlatform/blob/documentation/site/docs/guidance/index.md | `draft` | | Introduction to the assurance ecosystem: actors, roles, and responsibilities | 2 | Summary of CDEI's framework as it applies to TEA. | | `planning` | | An introduction to argument-based assurance | 3 | Description of ABA methodology and elements used in TEA | | `draft` | | Embedding assurance throughout the project lifecycle | 4 | A guide to using the TEA platform in an iterative manner | | `planning` | | Operationalising Ethical Principles: Putting TEA into Practice | 5 | A guide to operationalising ethical principles, engaging stakeholders and using the TEA platform in an iterative manner | | `planning` | | The role of standards in assurance | 6 | A summary of the AI standards Hub work, linking standards to TEA | | `drafting` | | Open Challenges in Data and AI Assurance | 7 | List of open areas, challenges, and ways forward | | `planning` | ## Case Studies - Hypothetical case studies showing how the TEA platform can be used or has been used (e.g. videos walking through an example project) ## Platform Documentation - Installing and deploying - Technical documentation (e.g. API, information about the stack) - How to use the tool - Sharing and commenting on assurance cases