# Nebula Protocol Cluster Forum Proposal Template ## Introduction. *A couple of sentences explaining the general idea/inspiration/goal behind the cluster* ## Cluster Details *This section outline various details of the clusters* **Cluster Name**: Proposed name of the cluster **Cluster Token Symbol**: Proposed cluster symbol Penalty Function: The penalty function implementation/ contract to use. A default one described [on our docs](https://docs.neb.money/protocol/clusters.html#penalty-function) and [implemented here](https://github.com/nebula-protocol/nebula-contracts/tree/main/contracts/nebula-penalty) can also be used **Inventory Assets**: The assets to include in the cluster's inventory **Target Weight Mechanism**: The methodology or strategy by which to rebalance the cluster's inventory asset weights **Target Update Frequency**: How often to update the cluster's target weight **Price Oracles**: The price oracle providers to be used for each proposed inventory asset ## Design Rationale *Optional: More information on the inspiration behind the cluster design, and any other useful/interesting information that the community might need/want to know about the cluster* ## Future Improvements & Changes *Optional: Explanation of how the proposer sees the cluster evolving, and what could potentially be changed in the future to improve the cluster*