I started contributing to the EF PSE ZK-EVM effort in Q3 2021
Several teammates came from Loopring
Split because Loopring is an app-specific ZKR, while Taiko is general purpose
Around 20 people now
Type 1 ZK-EVM
Prioritize Ethereum equivalence, give up ZK-friendly optimizations
Main benefit is smooth migration and reusability of all L1 dapps, tools, and infrastructure
Main downside is slower proof generation
Only relies on Ethereum public data, anyone can run a node
Any proposer or prover can participate
ZK-EVM (community effort from PSE ZK-EVM circuits)
L2 node
Taiko Protocol
Block proposers
Submit a list of transactions to the rollup contract
Ordered by Ethereum validators
L2 block parameters are added by the smart contract (timestamp, difficulty)
This “block” is appended to the chain
This means that => block execution is deterministic after the block is proposed
Blocks are never reverted (the protocol has rules to skip over invalid data)
Instant finality
Parallel proof generation
Taiko Protocol
Block provers
Generate proofs for blocks
All data necessary to generate the proof is on-chain
Blocks can be proven in parallel
We call a block verified when the block and all its parent blocks are proven
Block pre and post state known by smart contracts at this point
Important for bridging (L2 -> Lx)
Finality achieved immediately after the block is proposed
Verified status achieved after the block, and its predecessors, are proven
Smart contracts depend on ZKPs to efficiently execute the transactions
For verified blocks the correct pre and post states are known
Other smart contracts can then use this to read any state on L2
L2 -> Lx bridging delay is ~ the proof generation time
L2 -> Lx bridging delay is ~ the proof generation time
It would be possible to do better in some cases:
If we know the state at some point
And somehow it can be shown that some state hasn’t been changed for some time
And we can prove this significantly faster than just generating a full ZK-EVM proof
ETH balance of an account a good simple match for this
ETH spent from an EOA visible from the transaction itself, no need to actually proof the execution (*)
This is nice because:
Can speed up withdrawals in a lot of cases
No or simple ZKP circuits required (attractive for optimistic rollups)
ETH in a state where it is directly usable on L2 and L1/other L2s
System should be expandable for more general cases than just ETH
Can be implemented completely in bridge smart contracts
At block proposal time we may already want to have a ZKP for things like signature compression, so may make sense to just do the optimized data format there as well
Proof generation times even less important with this
For most transactions verification doesn’t matter, mostly only bridging transactions
The general case is pretty fast already (depends on max L2 block size)
For fungible tokens liquidity providers can also be used trustlessly for instant withdrawals
This means that => proof generation times are really only important for cost
And proof generation times will only go down from here
More efficient proof generation systems: HyperPlonk, Caulk, etc.