### What is Fail2Ban?
Fail2ban is an intrusion prevention software framework. Fail2Ban is able to reduce the rate of incorrect authentications attempts however it cannot eliminate the risk that weak authentication presents. Configure services to use only two factor or public/private authentication mechanisms if you really want to protect services.
So knowing what Fail2Ban generally does, Now assuming a scenario you are performing a pentest and you get access in a server and it has fail2ban but the good thing is the user you have access to the privilege to run `/etc/init.d/fail2ban restart` as root. How do we use this to our advantage of gaining access as root in the server :)
### Knowing your privileges
First, run `sudo -l` it'll prompt for a password of the user or not, depends with the configuration of `/etc/sudoers`
If the output is as the same as this or might be without the `NOPASSWD` then we have a great chance of getting that root access!
Now to check for the groups the user is assigned into:
The user is also part of the `security` group. Next we look for writeable directories inside `/etc/` hoping we find `/etc/fail2ban/action.d` to do this we can use the command:
find /etc -writable -ls 2>/dev/null
This means we can write into the directory `/etc/fail2ban/action.d` which contains the file `iptables-multiport.conf` which contains rules of the actions done by fail2ban
### Privilege Escalation
Create a backup file of `iptables-multiport.conf` and name it `iptables-multiport.conf.bak` and then copy it back to `iptables-multiport.conf` where as this makes you the owner of the file and then edit it and comment the `actionban` rule and add a new `actionban` rule and write your command to be executed by root, if it's a reverseshell or anything:
actionban = chmod u+s /bin/bash
#actionban = <iptables> -I f2b-<name> 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype>
After editing the file, save it and restart the service:
Read the `/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf` to know after how many attempts of login is the action then done, and by default it should be `5` tries.
To simply get the ban action to be called, we can use Hydra to bruteforce the SSH password for root
change the command for hydra to something like :
hydra x.x.x.x ssh -l root -P ~/path/to/wordlist.txt
After a few tries, then check the binary `/bin/bash` if it's now setuid
VOILA! Now the Fun part!
Just run `bash -p`