# [2020q1](http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/linux/schedule) 第 2 週測驗題 ###### tags: `linux2020` :::info 目的: 檢驗學員對 **[bitwise operation](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/c-bitwise)**, **[bit-field](https://hackmd.io/s/SJ8y82ZYQ)**, **[memory allocation](https://hackmd.io/s/BkuMDQ9K7)** 的認知 ::: ==[作答表單](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9atj32rAoPKC2vLbCFLggonxoSlvnBEdH_yhbfneJgd2pCQ/viewform)== --- ### 測驗 `1` 在伺服器運算 ([server-side](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-side) computing) 領域中,常會遇到頻繁的短字串處理,為此 Facebook 特別發展 [folly::fbstring](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBString.h) 作為 C++ [std::string](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/) 的高效能替代品,而 [folly::fbstring](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBString.h) 之所以可有效能的突破,在於透過緊湊的記憶體佈局,施行 SSO (small string optimization) 和 CoW (copy on write) 這兩種最佳化手法: 1. 當字串長度小於等於 23 時,會使用堆疊 (stack) 上的空間來保存字串。此時被看作「短字串」; 2. 當字串長度介於 24 和 254 (含) 之間,視作「中等長度的字串」,採用動態配置記憶體; 3. 當字串長度大於 255 時,視作「長字串」,會透過 CoW 手段進行最佳化:進行字串複製操作時,倘若字串本身沒有修改,就會共享記憶體空間,從而減少記憶體佔用和省去複製的開銷。換言之,真正的「複製」操作僅發生在字串內容發生變更。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/LixnCPs.png) 在 stack 上的空間 (也就是不計算透過 [malloc](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/malloc.3.html) 所取得的 heap 空間) 佔用尤其精巧,[folly::fbstring](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBString.h) 本體使用 24 個位元組,但卻能表達 23 個位元組長度的字串,沒有任何ㄧ個位元組浪費。相較之下,[std::string](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/) 本身佔用 32 個位元組,但在堆疊上卻只能表達 16 個位元組的字串。 [folly::fbstring](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBString.h) 實作主要手法透過下方的 union: ```cpp union { struct { char *data; size_t size; size_t capacity; } heap; struct { char data[23]; int8_t length; // align 1 } stack; }; ```` 這個 union 的佔用空間為 23 個 char (即 `data[]`) 加上 1 個 `int8_t` (即 `length`),合計 24 個位元組,上述的「短字串」就保存在此,而「中等長度」和「長字串」顯然就要透過 `char *` 放到 heap 空間。接著討論以下三個問題: 1. 「短字串」的長度記錄在何處? 2. 既然做了三種字串分類,如何區分? 3. 「長字串」做 CoW 時,也有 [reference counting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_counting),那 counter 要存哪裡? [folly::fbstring](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBString.h) 精緻的設計可依序解答上述問題: 1. 「短字串」的長度記錄於最後一個成員 (即 `length`) 裡頭,因為至多 24 個位元長度,那用一個位元組來描述長度就綽綽有餘; 2. 既然「短字串」長度不會超過 24,那就利用 `length` 成員最高 2 個位元來記錄型態即可。也因挪用 2 個位元,須考慮機器的 endian (Big 或 little endian)。可透過程式碼的 `kIsLittleEndian` 來定義; * 假設短字串 23 個位元組都拿來保存字串,結尾就是 `\0`,因此是 `0x00`。挪用 2 個位元紀錄,它把短字串訂成 `00`,中等長度中字串訂成 `10`,長字串訂成 `01`。短字串結尾是 `0x00`,不受影響; * 巧妙之處在於,在短字串底下,不紀錄長度,而是紀錄「最大短字串長度減去現在長度」。最大短字串長度是 23,若現在字串長度也是 23,那最後一個位元組就是 `0`,剛好也是 `\0`; * 如果字串長度為 22 個位元組。倒數第二個位元組是`\0`,最後一個位元組是 `1`,存放 `1` 這個位元組,最前 2 個位元用以紀錄短中長字串形態的資訊,而短字串本來就是 `00` 兩個位元,仍不影響; 3. 因為已可依據上述 (2) 區分出型態,於是 `char *data` 就可以保存 reference counter; 這裡我們嘗試用 C 語言重寫上述的 [folly::fbstring](https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBString.h),預期的應用案例如下: ```cpp xs string = *xs_tmp(" foobarbar \n\n"); xs_trim(&string, "\n "); printf("[%s] : %2zu\n", xs_data(&string), xs_size(&string)); xs prefix = *xs_tmp("((("), suffix = *xs_tmp(")))"); xs_concat(&string, &prefix, &suffix); printf("[%s] : %2zu\n", xs_data(&string), xs_size(&string)); ``` 參考執行結果: ``` [foobarbar] : 9 [(((foobarbar)))] : 15 ``` 起初我們建立一個形態為 `xs` 的物件,使其內容為 " foobarbar \n\n",藉由 `xs_trim` 將該物件裡頭的字串去除前後空白字元,達成「修剪」(trim 本意) 作用,接著再將 `foobarbar` 字串 (長度為 `9`) 前後加上 `(((` 和 `)))`,最終字串長度為 `15`。 :::success foobar 是電腦程式領域裡頭的術語,無實際用途和參考意義,一如漢語裡頭張三李四,也可簡稱 "foo"。這裡的 "foobarbar" 則是「富爸爸」的諧音 (靈感來自書名《富爸爸·窮爸爸》)。 [ [出處](https://foldoc.org/foo) ] 1938 年 Robert Clampett 在華納卡通導演的[達菲鴨](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%94%E8%8F%B2%E9%B4%A8) (Daffy Doc),達菲鴨做個手勢說 "SILENCE IS FOO!" 是極早版本 ::: 完整程式碼如下: (檔名為 `xs.c`) ```cpp #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef union { /* allow strings up to 15 bytes to stay on the stack * use the last byte as a null terminator and to store flags * much like fbstring: * https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/docs/FBString.md */ char data[16]; struct { uint8_t filler[15], /* how many free bytes in this stack allocated string * same idea as fbstring */ space_left : 4, /* if it is on heap, set to 1 */ is_ptr : 1, flag1 : 1, flag2 : 1, flag3 : 1; }; /* heap allocated */ struct { char *ptr; /* supports strings up to 2^54 - 1 bytes */ size_t size : 54, /* capacity is always a power of 2 (unsigned)-1 */ capacity : 6; /* the last 4 bits are important flags */ }; } xs; static inline bool xs_is_ptr(const xs *x) { return x->is_ptr; } static inline size_t xs_size(const xs *x) { return xs_is_ptr(x) ? x->size : 15 - x->space_left; } static inline char *xs_data(const xs *x) { return xs_is_ptr(x) ? (char *) x->ptr : (char *) x->data; } static inline size_t xs_capacity(const xs *x) { return xs_is_ptr(x) ? ((size_t) 1 << x->capacity) - 1 : 15; } #define xs_literal_empty() \ (xs) { .space_left = 15 } static inline int ilog2(uint32_t n) { return 32 - __builtin_clz(n) - 1; } xs *xs_new(xs *x, const void *p) { *x = xs_literal_empty(); size_t len = strlen(p) + 1; if (len > AAA) { x->capacity = ilog2(len) + 1; x->size = len - 1; x->is_ptr = true; x->ptr = malloc((size_t) 1 << x->capacity); memcpy(x->ptr, p, len); } else { memcpy(x->data, p, len); x->space_left = 15 - (len - 1); } return x; } /* Memory leaks happen if the string is too long but it is still useful for * short strings. * "" causes a compile-time error if x is not a string literal or too long. */ #define xs_tmp(x) \ ((void) ((struct { \ _Static_assert(sizeof(x) <= 16, "it is too big"); \ int dummy; \ }){1}), \ xs_new(&xs_literal_empty(), "" x)) /* grow up to specified size */ xs *xs_grow(xs *x, size_t len) { if (len <= xs_capacity(x)) return x; len = ilog2(len) + 1; if (xs_is_ptr(x)) x->ptr = realloc(x->ptr, (size_t) 1 << len); else { char buf[16]; memcpy(buf, x->data, 16); x->ptr = malloc((size_t) 1 << len); memcpy(x->ptr, buf, 16); } x->is_ptr = true; x->capacity = len; return x; } static inline xs *xs_newempty(xs *x) { *x = xs_literal_empty(); return x; } static inline xs *xs_free(xs *x) { if (xs_is_ptr(x)) free(xs_data(x)); return xs_newempty(x); } xs *xs_concat(xs *string, const xs *prefix, const xs *suffix) { size_t pres = xs_size(prefix), sufs = xs_size(suffix), size = xs_size(string), capacity = xs_capacity(string); char *pre = xs_data(prefix), *suf = xs_data(suffix), *data = xs_data(string); if (size + pres + sufs <= capacity) { memmove(data + pres, data, size); memcpy(data, pre, pres); memcpy(data + pres + size, suf, sufs + 1); string->space_left = 15 - (size + pres + sufs); } else { xs tmps = xs_literal_empty(); xs_grow(&tmps, size + pres + sufs); char *tmpdata = xs_data(&tmps); memcpy(tmpdata + pres, data, size); memcpy(tmpdata, pre, pres); memcpy(tmpdata + pres + size, suf, sufs + 1); xs_free(string); *string = tmps; string->size = size + pres + sufs; } return string; } xs *xs_trim(xs *x, const char *trimset) { if (!trimset[0]) return x; char *dataptr = xs_data(x), *orig = dataptr; /* similar to strspn/strpbrk but it operates on binary data */ uint8_t mask[BBB] = {0}; #define check_bit(byte) (mask[(uint8_t) byte / 8] CCC 1 << (uint8_t) byte % 8) #define set_bit(byte) (mask[(uint8_t) byte / 8] |= 1 << (uint8_t) byte % 8) size_t i, slen = xs_size(x), trimlen = strlen(trimset); for (i = 0; i < trimlen; i++) set_bit(trimset[i]); for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) if (!check_bit(dataptr[i])) break; for (; slen > 0; slen--) if (!check_bit(dataptr[slen - 1])) break; dataptr += i; slen -= i; /* reserved space as a buffer on the heap. * Do not reallocate immediately. Instead, reuse it as possible. * Do not shrink to in place if < 16 bytes. */ memmove(orig, dataptr, slen); /* do not dirty memory unless it is needed */ if (orig[slen]) orig[slen] = 0; if (xs_is_ptr(x)) x->size = slen; else x->space_left = 15 - slen; return x; #undef check_bit #undef set_bit } #include <stdio.h> int main() { xs string = *xs_tmp("\n foobarbar \n\n\n"); xs_trim(&string, "\n "); printf("[%s] : %2zu\n", xs_data(&string), xs_size(&string)); xs prefix = *xs_tmp("((("), suffix = *xs_tmp(")))"); xs_concat(&string, &prefix, &suffix); printf("[%s] : %2zu\n", xs_data(&string), xs_size(&string)); return 0; } ``` 其中 AAA 和 BBB 為整數,CCC 是 operator。Count Leading Zeros (clz) 或名 Number of Leading Zeros (nlz) 為計算 2 進位數從 MSB 往右數遇到的第一個 `1` 之前所有 `0` 的數量,因此,`clz(0001010100011011)` 會得到 `3`。GCC 內建了許多功能強大的函式,其中一項就是 `__builtin_clz`,注意,當參數為 `0` 時,結果未定義: > int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x) Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x, starting at the most significant bit position. If x is 0, the result is undefined. > 出處: [Other Built-in Functions Provided by GCC](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html) 編譯方式: ```shell $ gcc -o xs -std=gnu11 xs.c ``` 請補完程式碼,使其執行結果符合預期。 ==作答區== AAA = ? * `(a)` 14 * `(b)` 15 * `(c)` 16 BBB = ? * `(a)` 32 * `(b)` 8 CCC = ? * `(a)` `|` * `(b)` `&` * `(c)` `^` * `(d)` `+` * `(e)` `-` 參考資料: * [Optimize string use: a case study](https://www.oreilly.com/content/optimize-string-use-case-study/) * [C++ 再探 string 之 eager-copy, COW 和 SSO 方案](https://www.cnblogs.com/cthon/p/9181979.html) :::success 延伸問題: 1. 解釋上述程式碼運作原理,並提出改進方案,可善用 GDB 追蹤和分析; 2. 以上述程式碼為基礎,提供字串複製 (應考慮到 CoW) 和類似 [strtok](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strtok.3.html) 功能的函式實作; 3. 設計實驗,確認上述字串處理最佳化 (針對空間效率) 帶來的效益,應考慮到 [locality of reference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locality_of_reference); 4. 在 Linux 核心原始程式碼中,找出類似手法的 SSO 或 CoW 案例並解說; :::