# [2019q3](http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/sysprog/schedule) 第 8 週測驗題
目的: 檢驗學員對 CS:APP 第 5 章的認知
### 測驗 `1`
[bc](https://linux.die.net/man/1/bc) 工具很好用,可讓我們快速計算特定數值表示,如:
$ echo "2^64" | bc -l
$ echo "2^64" | bc -l | wc -c
其中 [wc](https://linux.die.net/man/1/wc) 可計算字元數量,於是我們知道 2^64^ 用十進位表示,需要 21 個位數。倘若我們要計算 48 個位數的十進位運算,顯然不能用 long 或 long long (在 [LP64 data model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit_computing#64-bit_data_models) 中,這兩者都是 64 位元的寬度) 型態來處理,這時候我們需要 [大數運算](https://openhome.cc/Gossip/AlgorithmGossip/BigNumber.htm) 的實作。
考慮到 64 位元的有效數值上限是 `0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF`,而十進位 $99999999×99999999$ 的結果在這有效範圍以內,被乘數 (前者) 和乘數 (後者) 都是 8 個位數 (有利於 x86-64 架構)。於是下方程式碼嘗試依照每 8 個十進位數字,進行分割運算: (`big-mul`):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static inline void add_with_carry(char *input, char num, int idx) {
char input_num = input[idx] + num;
if (input_num <= 9) {
input[idx] = input_num;
char carry = input_num / 10;
input[idx] = input_num % 10;
add_with_carry(input, carry, idx - 1);
#define max(a, b) \
({ \
__typeof__(a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__(b) _b = (b); \
_a > _b ? _a : _b; \
static int add(const char *a1, const char *a2, char *ret, int *ppos) {
int len1 = strlen(a1), len2 = strlen(a2);
int len = max(len1, len2);
int i;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
unsigned char tmp;
int len_diff = len1 - len2;
if (len_diff >= 0) {
tmp = ARR1[i] - '0';
if (i > len_diff - 1)
tmp += ARR2[i - len_diff] - '0';
} else {
tmp = ARR3[i] - '0';
if (i > -len_diff - 1)
tmp += ARR4[i + len_diff] - '0';
add_with_carry(ret, tmp, i + 1);
*ppos = 1;
if (ret[BBB]) {
*ppos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len + 1; i++)
ret[i] += '0';
return len;
char *mul(const char *m1, const char *m2) {
int len = strlen(m1);
int ret_len = len + strlen(m2);
int n = 0, pos = 0, nblocks = len / 8;
char str1[10], str2[10], resstr[20];
char *tmp_ret = calloc(ret_len, 1);
char *pow1 = calloc(len * 2, 1), *pow2 = calloc(len * 2, 1);
char *ret = calloc(ret_len, 1);
/* split into several blocks, 8 digits per block */
for (int i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
memcpy(str1, m1 + len - i * 8 - 8, 8);
unsigned long im1 = atoi(str1);
for (int j = 0; j < nblocks; j++) {
memcpy(str2, m2 + len - j * 8 - 8, 8);
unsigned long im2 = atoi(str2);
unsigned long tmp_res = im1 * im2;
/* multiplying pow(10,n) equals to preserving trailing '0' */
int pow1size = i * 8, pow2size = j * 8;
int reslen = sprintf(resstr, "%lu", tmp_res);
int totlen = reslen + pow2size;
memset(pow2, '0', totlen);
memcpy(pow2, resstr, reslen);
reslen = totlen;
totlen += pow1size;
memset(pow1, '0', totlen);
pow1[totlen] = '\0';
memcpy(pow1, pow2, reslen);
memset(ret, 0, n + pos);
n = add(pow1, tmp_ret, ret, &pos);
memcpy(tmp_ret, ret + pos, n);
memset(ret, 0, n + pos);
memcpy(ret, tmp_ret, n);
return ret;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 3)
return -1;
char *m1 = argv[1], *m2 = argv[2];
char *ret = mul(m1, m2);
printf("%s\n", ret);
return 0;
./mul 119334567890334449388883313579158334567098134455 \
其中被乘數和乘數都用 48 個字元 (再加 1 個 null terminator) 的字串來表示 (可執行 `$ echo -n "119334567890334449388883313579158334567098134455" | wc -c`),最終乘法結果用 95 個字元 (再加 1 個 null terminator) 的字串來表示。
ARR1 = ?
* `(a)` a1
* `(b)` a2
* `(c)` ret
ARR2 = ?
* `(a)` a1
* `(b)` a2
* `(c)` ret
ARR3 = ?
* `(a)` a1
* `(b)` a2
* `(c)` ret
ARR4 = ?
* `(a)` a1
* `(b)` a2
* `(c)` ret
BBB = ?
* `(a)` len
* `(b)` `len - 1`
* `(c)` i
* `(d)` 1
* `(e)` 0
1. 解釋上述程式碼運作原理,並指出影響運算正確的缺陷;
2. 修正上述程式碼的缺陷,嘗試依據 CS:APP 第 5 章的手法予以分析執行時期的成本,從而改善效能;
3. 研究 [Karatsuba algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm) 快速相乘演算法,嘗試和本實作比較,被乘數和乘數至少該是十進位 48 個位數
- 解說影片: [Fast Multiplication: From Grade-School Multiplication To Karatsuba's Algorithm](https://youtu.be/-dfsxsiGoC8)
- 善用 [GMP: GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library](https://gmplib.org/)
4. 研讀 [隱藏的傅立葉分析](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/S1jR0mHfN) 提到透過傅立葉轉換來進行乘法運算,嘗試引入到大數運算並比較正確性及效能表現;
- 參照 [FFT based multiplication of large numbers](http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/Algorithms/fft.html) 及 [Multiplying Huge Integers using Fourier Transforms](http://www.cs.rug.nl/~ando/pdfs/Ando_Emerencia_multiplying_huge_integers_using_fourier_transforms_paper.pdf)
> A plot showing the average time spent per multiplication operation as a function of the sum of the lengths of the
integers to be multiplied. Both axes are dawn on a logarithmic
scale (base 10)