# Inclusive Delivery App Development Design For Addressing App Accessibility <a href="https://imgur.com/KAN8RP2"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/KAN8RP2.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a> Your Delivery App Development Project should strive to make a design-inclusive app for people with disabilities. This should be a priority from day one. With over 1 billion people globally requiring accessible design, there’s both a moral and business case for following accessibility best practices. Here are the core rules every delivery app developer should keep in mind. ## Introduction 1 in 6 people in the world are disabled, and many others have digital accessibility requirements. [Delivery apps](https://hackmd.io/@metaversenews/-Quick-Guide-For-Food-Delivery-App-Development) grant convenient access to services, so they should be easy to use for all. With an estimated 15% of the global population needing accessible design, there’s a major impact of not building inclusively. ## Why Accessible And Inclusive App Design Matters? Over 217 million people have vision impairment, 466 million people have disabling hearing loss, and 130 million people live with limited mobility and dexterity. Apps that create barriers frustrate users and cause them to lose their trust and loyalty. On the other hand, accessible apps that follow inclusion best practices promote independence and empower people with disabilities to carry out daily tasks with ease. They also capture a wider audience and customer base. Therefore, designing for this diverse spectrum of needs is essential. Otherwise, you have to redo the UI/UX after facing backlash for making a delivery app that doesn’t have any accessibility options. Let’s understand what options you have to include for an inclusive and accessible design. ## How To Make Your App Accessible The design concept for a globally acceptable delivery app largely follows minimal and simple navigation for ease of use. Adding accessibility options makes the app even friendlier to a larger target audience. These options should fully test your app with screen readers, magnification tools like Zoom, captioning, keyboards, and more. Structure navigation and content logically to be accessible when non-visually consumed and provide comprehensive text alternatives for every visual element. Moreover, it confirms assistive technology compatibility through user testing. Here are some other practices you should implement in your Delivery App Development project. ### Color Contrast Sufficient color contrast between text and backgrounds enables those with low vision and color blindness to better see content. AA or AAA standards should be met. Designs should also be checked in grayscale to avoid color-dependent information. Visual signifiers beyond color can further increase accessibility, like symbols for errors and different button outline styles. Moreover, they should also avoid conveying meaning through color alone and should facilitate adjustments like dark mode and text resizing. Some modern delivery apps even accommodate color blindness through color-neutral information communication. ### Screen Reader Compatibility Screen readers verbalize digital content for the blind and visually impaired. Around 67% of screen reader users navigate by headings, so logical content structure is critical. Therefore, links, buttons, and instructions should be descriptive to make the page accessible to everyone. ### Interactive Feature Accessibility Use 44px x 44px minimum tap targets for buttons and links. Expand tappable zones beyond visible boundaries with invisible padding, giving those with motor control conditions more margin of error. This will indicate intractable elements through outlines and shadows. Moreover, additional inclusive design tactics like audio formats, speech input, and direct customer service access should also be considered. ### Support Full Keyboard Control Standardize the arrow and tab, and enter shortcuts between elements. This is done by ensuring all actions possible via tap are equally possible with the keyboard, without a touchscreen. Moreover, the design should include a map keyboard that can be devoid of navigation flows. This helps those with hand tremors and grip limitations. ### Add Skip Navigation Links Enable keyboard and screen readers to bypass repeated site headers/navigation with "skip to main content" links to save time. Not only does this promote autonomy through direct access, but it also expands the delivery app to increase customer retention. ### Label Form Fields Clearly Programmatically associate descriptive visible text labels with every text input field, clearly defining the expected format. Don't solely rely on placeholder text for instructions. If the user will not be able to understand the process of ordering or reaching the payout screen, the entire work of adding visual elements to the home screen might go to waste. ## The Compelling Case for Clone Apps For entrepreneurs launching new delivery startups, leveraging an existing white-label clone app solution can accelerate development dramatically compared to traditional custom building. As time progresses, more inclusively designed clone apps are swiftly making the design process easy to customize. Clone apps provide an off-the-shelf template with pre-built, market-tested ordering, delivery dispatching, and tracking functionality, more specifically for the food, grocery, pharmacy, or retail verticals. Following are the benefits they provide to your Delivery App Development Project. ### Save Precious Time Rather than coding every single capability from scratch, clones allow for customizing and branding a proven app framework. This enables launching and testing ideas in weeks rather than months or years. ### Slash Development and Testing Costs Significant aspects like cloud infrastructure, order processing workflows, courier assignment algorithms, and chain-specific integrations are pre-created. Reusing these vs. building from zero saves potentially hundreds of thousands in upfront costs. ### Specialized Expertise Leading clone providers concentrate specialized expertise on bulletproofing app reliability through years of usage and tech stack refinement. There is far less risk of failure-related downtime that cripples new operations. However, clones must match accessibility rules like strong contrast, screen reader support, keyboard shortcuts, and strict data privacy. Thoroughly vet provider experience in inclusive [design for delivery apps](https://www.v3cube.com/delivery-app-clone/), specifically before committing. The right accessible clone app empowers first-time founders to transform ideas rapidly into fully-featured inclusive businesses. ## Conclusion Continual feedback from people with varied accessibility needs is invaluable for improving apps and prioritizing inclusive features. Building an app culture and process centered on universal access keeps accessibility core to the user experience.