# Controversy over artificial flags at Hangzhou Asian Games despite ban on flying North Korean flags China to blame for hoisting despite World Anti-Doping Agency ban, international criticism likely The flying of an artificial North Korean flag at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, which opens on Nov. 23, has become controversial, [스포츠토토맨](https://www.sportstotomen.com/%ed%86%a0%ed%86%a0%ec%82%ac%ec%9d%b4%ed%8a%b8%ec%88%9c%ec%9c%84/) Japan's Jiji Shimbun reported on Nov. 22. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has imposed sanctions on North Korea that prohibit the country from flying its flag at international competitions, and the flying of an artificial North Korean flag at the Hangzhou Asian Games is likely to bring the host country to account and draw international criticism. An artificial North Korean flag was flown during the move-in ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games athletes' village on Feb. 22. [토토사이트](https://www.reddit.com/user/casinosite123/comments/168ntxc/korea_baseball_to_open_group_play_against_hong/) It was also flown at the men's table tennis match between Japan and North Korea. In October 2021, WADA banned North Korea from flying its flag at international events other than the Olympics, saying its anti-doping agency did not meet international standards. Earlier, [스포츠토토](http://clients1.google.si/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fcasinosite.zone) at an international taekwondo tournament in Kazakhstan in August, the flags of all participating countries, including North Korea, were not flown, some South Korean media reported. [North Korea](http://drill.lovesick.jp/drilldata/index.php?casinosite22) participated in the Hangzhou Asian Games with more than 190 athletes, marking its return to the comprehensive international sports festival after a five-year absence. China and North Korea have been making moves to strengthen ties in the face of U.S.-ROK, U.S.-Japan cooperation. [섯다](https://www.gostopsite.com/wiki/bbs/board.php?bo_table=sportstoto스포츠토토맨 ) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BysqZB1ep.png)