# NF-Test :rocket:
## A simple test framework for Nextflow pipelines
### [Official Docs](https://code.askimed.com/nf-test/) π
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## Agenda
* :question: What is NF-Test
* :eye: Overview of current framework using pytest
* :bar_chart: nf-core/ampliseq module tests
* :bar_chart: nf-core/ampliseq pipeline `test_single` profile tests
* :books: Additional Resources
## What is NF-Test
- Testing framework for nextflow pipelines based on groovy
- Created in 2021 by Lukas Forer and Sebastian SchΓΆnherr.
# nf-test vs pytest
While nf-test :rocket: and pytest-workflow :snake: (currently popular in nf-core) are both test frameworks for Nextflow pipelines :gear:, they differ in structure, implementation, and features. Let's delve into these differences and explore why nf-test may offer some advantages over pytest-workflow :mag:.
### Structure and implementation:
| nf-test | pytest |
| -------- | -------- |
| Built on Groovy | Built on Python |
| Specific to Nextflow | General-purpose testing framework for Python |
| Provides specific assertions for testing Nextflow channels | Provides a range of assertions for testing Python code (or nextflow indirectly). Pytest assertions are not specific to any data structure or concept like channels in Nextflow |
### Current Testing Framework
### NF-Core Modules
**NF-Core Modules pytest-workflow** :snake:
- Test cases are organized in separate test workflow files, like `main.nf` :scroll:
include { BCFTOOLS_SORT } from '../../../../../modules/nf-core/bcftools/sort/main.nf'
workflow test_bcftools_sort {
input = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['illumina']['test_vcf'], checkIfExists: true)
- additional tests are through alias imports
include { BCFTOOLS_REHEADER } from '../../../../../modules/nf-core/bcftools/reheader/main.nf'
include { BCFTOOLS_REHEADER as BCFTOOLS_REHEADER_VCF_GZ} from '../../../../../modules/nf-core/bcftools/reheader/main.nf'
include { BCFTOOLS_REHEADER as BCFTOOLS_REHEADER_BCF_GZ} from '../../../../../modules/nf-core/bcftools/reheader/main.nf'
- Additional parameters are specified in the `nextflow.config` file :gear:
process {
publishDir = { "${params.outdir}/${task.process.tokenize(':')[-1].tokenize('_')[0].toLowerCase()}" }
- Test outputs and appropriate checks are listed in the `test.yml` file :clipboard:
- name: bcftools sort test_bcftools_sort
command: nextflow run ./tests/modules/nf-core/bcftools/sort -entry test_bcftools_sort -c ./tests/config/nextflow.config -c ./tests/modules/nf-core/bcftools/sort/nextflow.config
- bcftools
- bcftools/sort
- path: output/bcftools/test.vcf.gz
md5sum: 4f24467157f5c7a3b336481acf0c8a65
- path: output/bcftools/versions.yml
### Current Testing Framework
### NF-Core/Ampliseq Pipeline
**NF-Core Pipelines - Github CI Testing Framework**
- name: Run pipeline with ${{ matrix.profile }} test profile
run: |
nextflow run ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} -profile ${{ matrix.profile }},docker --outdir ./results
### Current Testing Framework Limitations
π΅ The local execution process can be challenging for newcomers due to the need to understand Python, interpret unconventional outputs, and handle container virtualization technologies.
PROFILE=docker pytest --tag fastqc_single_end --symlink --keep-workflow-wd
β οΈ There's a need to manually create and maintain md5sums. Even though this process can be scripted, it requires considerable effort, which can lead to potential neglect and decay over time.
π The creation of custom test logic is complex and requires advanced expertise, which could be a significant barrier for beginners.
## **NF-Test** :rocket:
- Test cases can be organized as a suite of tests within a single test file :file_folder:
- Each test has a name, a `when` closure, and a `then` closure :bulb:
- These closures are used to describe the expected behavior of the process :mag_right:
- nf-test provides the `generate` :wrench: command, which creates a skeleton test code for Nextflow processes or workflows. This command automatically fills in the name :label:, script :scroll:, and process :gear: of the test case and creates a skeleton for the first test method :bulb:.
Example - `bcftools/sort/main.nf.test`
nextflow_process {
name "Test Process BCFTOOLS_SORT"
script "modules/nf-core/bcftools/sort/main.nf"
config "tests/modules/nf-core/bcftools/sort/nextflow.config"
tag "bcftools_sort"
test("Sarscov2 Illumina VCF") {
when {
params {
outdir = "$outputDir"
process {
input[0] = [
[ id:'test' ], // meta map
file(params.test_data['sarscov2']['illumina']['test_vcf'], checkIfExists: true)
then {
{ assert process.success },
{ assert snapshot(path(params.outdir).list()).match() }
### Writing Assertions
### Power Assertions:
* Writing test cases involves making assumptions using assertions :writing_hand:.
* Groovy's power assert :muscle: offers detailed output when the boolean expression evaluates to false :x:.
* nf-test simplifies this process with several extensions and commands tailored for Nextflow channels :zap:.
1. **`with`** :point_right: Allows you to assert the contents of an item in a channel by index.
2. **`contains`** :mag: Lets you assert that an item is present anywhere in the channel.
3. **`assertContainsInAnyOrder`** Allows you to make assertions about the contents of a channel without considering order.
### Files
* md5 Checksum
assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).md5 == "64debea5017a035ddc67c0b51fa84b16"
* JSON Files
assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).json == path('./some.json').json
assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).json.key == "value"
* GZip Files
assert path(process.out.out_ch.get(0)).linesGzip.contains("Line Content")
* Filter lines
def lines = path(process.out.gzip.get(0)).linesGzip[0..5]
assert lines.size() == 6
* Grep lines
def lines = path(process.out.gzip.get(0)).grepLinesGzip(0,5)
assert lines.size() == 6
### Snapshots
Snapshots :camera: are incredibly handy when you want to ensure your output channels or output files don't change unexpectedly :exclamation:.
A typical snapshot test case :clipboard: creates a snapshot of the output channels or other objects, and then compares it to a reference snapshot file stored with the test (`*.nf.test.snap`) :file_folder:.
The test will fail :x: if the two snapshots don't match. This indicates either an unexpected change, or the reference snapshot needs updating to reflect the new output of a process, workflow, pipeline, or function :gear:.
The `snapshot` keyword creates a snapshot of the object and its match method can then be used to check if its contains the expected data from the snap file.
assert snapshot(process.out).match()
assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/fastqc/test_fastqc.html")).match()
"Should run without failures": {
"content": [
"timestamp": "2023-05-22T23:22:36+0000"
Example of Snapshot Failure
Test Process FASTQC
Test [91188cdf] 'Sarscov2 Illumina Fastq' java.lang.RuntimeException: Different Snapshot:
FAILED (16.021s)
Assertion failed:
1 of 2 assertions failed
#### Updating Snapshots
When a snapshot test is failing due to an intentional implementation change, you can use the --update-snapshot flag to re-generate snapshots for all failed tests.
nf-test test tests/main.nf.test --update-snapshot
### (Gitpod - Exercise)
### NF-Test Generation for NF-Core/Ampliseq
We will be generating tests for modules and pipeline of **nf-core/ampliseq** workflow
1. **[Open nf-core/ampliseq in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/new#https://github.com/nf-core/ampliseq) (nf-test installed)**
2. Use your own local ampliseq repo (master branch) and install **nf-test** as shown below:
curl -fsSL https://code.askimed.com/install/nf-test | bash
# or
wget -qO- https://code.askimed.com/install/nf-test | bash
## nf-test init
The init command set ups nf-test in the current directory.
nf-test init
The init command creates the following files: `nf-test.config` and `tests/nextflow.config`. It also creates a folder `tests/` which is the home directory of your test code.
`tests/nextflow.config` will come with config settings as below:
config {
testsDir "tests"
workDir ".nf-test"
configFile "tests/nextflow.config"
profile ""
Change `configFile` from `tests/nextflow.config` -> `nextflow.config` to utilize pipeline's main config
## NF-Tests for Modules (Fastqc)
nf-test generate process modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf
π nf-test 0.7.3
(c) 2021 - 2023 Lukas Forer and Sebastian Schoenherr
Load source file '/workspace/ampliseq/modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf'
Wrote process test file '/workspace/ampliseq/tests/modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf.test
SUCCESS: Generated 1 test files.
nextflow_process {
name "Test Process FASTQC"
script "modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf"
process "FASTQC"
test("Should run without failures") {
when {
params {
// define parameters here. Example:
// outdir = "tests/results"
process {
// define inputs of the process here. Example:
// input[0] = file("test-file.txt")
then {
assert process.success
assert snapshot(process.out).match()
- **`name "Test Process FASTQC"`** :label: This is where you name your process.
- **`script "modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf"`** :scroll: Here you specify the script you are testing.
- **`process "FASTQC"`** :gear: Here you indicate the process you are testing.
:clipboard: **`test("Should run without failures")`** : This is the main test case and its description.
- **`when`** :clock1: block: This is where you set up your test.
- **`params`** :memo: This is where you define parameters for your test. For example, you could define an output directory here.
- **`process`** :computer: This is where you define the inputs for the process you are testing and **inputs are provided via index-position(input[0], input[1])**.
- **`then`** :point_right: block: This is where you assert the expected outcomes of your test.
- **`assert process.success`** :heavy_check_mark: Here you assert that the process should be successful.
- **`assert snapshot(process.out).match()`** :camera: Here you assert that the output of the process matches the snapshot stored in your test file.
To the test file:
1. Add profile "docker" under process
2. Set outdir param in `when` block
3. provide the following test input for fastqc module
4. provide assertions below in the `then` block:
nextflow_process {
name "Test Process FASTQC"
script "modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf"
process "FASTQC"
profile "docker"
test("Sarscov2 Illumina Fastq") {
when {
params {
outdir = "$outputDir"
process {
input[0] = [
[ id: 'test', single_end:true ],
file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-core/test-datasets/modules/data/genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz", checkIfExists: true)
then {
{ assert process.success },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/fastqc/test_fastqc.html")).match() }
Testing the module
nf-test test tests/modules/nf-core/fastqc/main.nf.test
- The first time the test is run, the snapshot file is created.
- Re-Run the test again to check if the snapshots match
π nf-test 0.7.3
(c) 2021 - 2023 Lukas Forer and Sebastian Schoenherr
Test Process FASTQC
Test [91188cdf] 'Sarscov2 Illumina Fastq' PASSED (19.82s)
SUCCESS: Executed 1 tests in 19.84s
## NF-Tests for Pipeline (Single-End)
nf-test generate pipeline main.nf
π nf-test 0.7.3
(c) 2021 - 2023 Lukas Forer and Sebastian Schoenherr
Load source file '/workspace/ampliseq/main.nf'
Wrote pipeline test file '/workspace/ampliseq/tests/main.nf.test
SUCCESS: Generated 1 test files.
nextflow_pipeline {
name "Test Workflow main.nf"
script "main.nf"
test("Should run without failures") {
when {
params {
// define parameters here. Example:
// outdir = "tests/results"
then {
assert workflow.success
To the test file:
1. Add profile "test_single,docker" under script
2. Set outdir param in `when` block
3. Assert the default `workflow.success` or the following
nextflow_pipeline {
name "Test Workflow main.nf"
script "main.nf"
profile "test_single,docker"
tag "pipeline"
test("Illumina SE") {
when {
params {
outdir = "$outputDir"
then {
{ assert workflow.success },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/pipeline_info/software_versions.yml")).match("software_versions") },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/overall_summary.tsv")).match("overall_summary_tsv") },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/barrnap/rrna.arc.gff"),
path("$outputDir/barrnap/rrna.mito.gff")).match("barrnap") },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/barrnap/summary.tsv").exists() },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/cutadapt/cutadapt_summary.tsv")).match("cutadapt") },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/cutadapt/1a_S103_L001_R1_001.trimmed.cutadapt.log").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/cutadapt/1_S103_L001_R1_001.trimmed.cutadapt.log").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/cutadapt/2a_S115_L001_R1_001.trimmed.cutadapt.log").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/cutadapt/2_S115_L001_R1_001.trimmed.cutadapt.log").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/cutadapt/assignTaxonomy.cutadapt.log").exists() },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/dada2/ASV_seqs.fasta"),
path("$outputDir/dada2/DADA2_table.tsv")).match("dada2") },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/dada2/ASV_tax.tsv").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/dada2/ASV_tax_species.tsv").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/fastqc/1a_S103_L001_R1_001_fastqc.html").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/fastqc/1_S103_L001_R1_001_fastqc.html").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/fastqc/2a_S115_L001_R1_001_fastqc.html").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/fastqc/2_S115_L001_R1_001_fastqc.html").exists() },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/input/Samplesheet_single_end.tsv")).match("input") },
{ assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/multiqc/multiqc_data/multiqc_fastqc.txt"),
path("$outputDir/multiqc/multiqc_data/multiqc_cutadapt.txt")).match("multiqc") }
- Run the test
nf-test test tests/main.nf.test
- Re-Run the test to ensure snapshots match
nf-test test tests/main.nf.test
π nf-test 0.7.3
(c) 2021 - 2023 Lukas Forer and Sebastian Schoenherr
Test Workflow main.nf
Test [68e76581] 'Illumina SE' PASSED (261.213s)
SUCCESS: Executed 1 tests in 261.287s
### Run All Tests at once :boom:
nf-test test
π nf-test 0.7.3
(c) 2021 - 2023 Lukas Forer and Sebastian Schoenherr
Found 1 files in test directory.
Test Process FASTQC
Test [91188cdf] 'Sarscov2 Illumina Fastq' PASSED (19.231s)
Test Workflow main.nf
Test [68e76581] 'Illumina SE' PASSED (149.098s)
SUCCESS: Executed 2 tests in 168.458s
### Assertion order recommendations
`* still evolving`
* Use **[assertAll()](https://code.askimed.com/nf-test/assertions/assertions/#using-assertall)** to ensure that all supplied closures do no throw exceptions
* Use the test dataset details in the name of the test as applicable (ex - `Sarscov2 Illumina PE Sorted BAM`)
* The test should at least contain `process.success` assertion
* Snapshot all output including `versions.yml`
* if not possible (as in cases of timestamps/execution folder paths in output) - snapshot output files after filtering or grep lines that donβt change
* if snapshot for test output is not possible, go for new File ``.exists()` checks however, the snapshot MUST contain the versions.yml md5
### Types of Assertions
- Assert on output channels
assert process.out.versions[0] ==~ ".*/versions.yml"
with(process.out.vcf[0]) {
assert get(0).id == "test"
assert get(1) ==~ ".*/test.vcf.gz"
- Assert on output files
{ assert process.success },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/bcftools/test.vcf.gz").exists() },
{ assert new File("$outputDir/bcftools/versions.yml").exists() }
- Snapshot All files in Output Directory
assert snapshot(path(params.outdir).list()).match()
- Snapshot Selective files in Output Directory
assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/bcftools/test.vcf.gz")).match()
assert new File("$outputDir/bcftools/versions.yml").exists()
- Snapshot Filtered Selective files in Output Directory
assert snapshot(path("$outputDir/bcftools/test.vcf.gz").linesGzip[32-41]
- Custom filtering of elements in snapshot
def softwareVersions = path("$outputDir/pipeline_info/software_versions.yml").yaml
if (softwareVersions.containsKey("Workflow")) { softwareVersions.Workflow.remove("Nextflow") }
assert snapshot(softwareVersions).match("software_versions")
# :100: :muscle: :tada:
### Wrap up
- NF-Test is quite new, exciting and rapidly evolving
- check out the `#nf-test` channel in nf-core Slack for further discussions
### Resources
* [NF-Test Official Docs](https://code.askimed.com/nf-test/)
* [NF-Test Bytesize Talk By Edmund Miller](https://nf-co.re/events/2022/bytesize_nftest)
* [NF-Test Examples](https://github.com/sateeshperi/nf-test/tree/main/test-data)
* [NF-Core NF-Test Migration Notes](https://hackmd.io/@Fe-DlBDORpeApqPrKRTlbA/r1M6VpFbn)
### Thank you!
You can find me on
- [@GitHub](https://github.com/sateeshperi)
- Nextflow & Nf-Core Slack Workspaces
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