## Containerising Christmas
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## Whoami
- Alex Coleman, Research Software Engineer, Research Computing
- Support computational researchers across campus
- Particular background is in data science using tools like R and Python
## What is research computing?
- We're a [team](https://arc.leeds.ac.uk/) of RSEs within Central IT
- We provide a number of services to researchers including
Managing the University High Performance Computing (HPC) system
<img src="https://arcdocs.leeds.ac.uk/_images/HPC1-1024x821.jpg"
style="width: 600px;">
Provide training for PGRs, postdocs and academics
<img src="https://arc.leeds.ac.uk/images/computer_teaching.jpg"
style="width: 600px;">
- Provide research software engineering support to researchers
- Provide ad-hoc support to computational researchers
## Problem
Santa Claus has got lost in his presents warehouse!
- There's only limited time to find Santa
- Elves also need wrapping all those presents
- So Mrs Claus has devised a simulation to work out the optimum number of elves to use to find Santa!
But Mrs Claus needs some help scaling up her code to account for all her elves!
## Typing time
![Docker logo](https://www.docker.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/horizontal-logo-monochromatic-white.png)
- Docker lets us squash all the bits we need to run out simulation into a container
- The container can run on any system that also has Docker installed
- Everything is bundled into a recipe file to make building the container reproducible/shareable
## Time to type!
## Introducing [Devcontainers](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/devcontainers/containers)
![Diagram showing integration of VSCode and devcontainers](https://code.visualstudio.com/assets/docs/devcontainers/containers/architecture-containers.png)
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## Other uses for devcontainers
- Debugging an application
- Sharing a portable development environment
## Thanks for watching!
## Acknowledgments
- Inspired by [Eric Wanjau's talk at ResCompLeedsCon2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-owt0Vl5_w&t=1929s)
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