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# UN Smart Maps Awards
# Meet the UN-biased judges
### UN審判ネル団に会うよ!
## Koji Osumi :flag-jp:
![1712975941763](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1eRZIO-A.jpg =400x)
### Senior Geospatial Expert at United Nations :earth_americas:
## Seunghee Cho :kr:
![1599892356164](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk3EfIdWC.jpg =400x)
### Regional Sourcing Specialist at TomTom :earth_asia:
## Dongpo Deng :flag-tw:
![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyG5m8OWC.png =400x)
### Geo-Information and Semantic Web Specalist at Open Culture Foundation :earth_asia:
## Albert Kochaphum :flag-th:
![1692363405454](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJ-gH8db0.jpg =400x)
### Academic Lead at UN Smart Maps :earth_americas:
# Awards
## Best Narrative
### Disasters and Earthquake
[![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkxXhFdZA.png =700x)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970538074)
#### [Maeda Moriumi (Reitaku University)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970538074)
## Best data analysis
### Diasters displace people
[![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByFm9K_Z0.png =700x)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970536741)
#### [Jolie Wanger (University of Hawaii, Manoa)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970536741)
## Best Design
### Dangerous waves on and land,
### Yet we persevered
[![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1iy9UFbC.png =700x)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970537560)
#### [Kathy Pham (MaptimeLA)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970537560)
## People's Choice Award and Best overall
### Biological Infestation Map
[![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ4ViKOZC.png =700x)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970537094)
#### [Ariel Dome (University of the Philippines, Diliman)](https://padlet.com/UCLA_Library/international-humanitarian-mapathon-2024-v9xzbflkecfhwugp/wish/2970537094)
# Closing remarks
## Summary
| Award | Name | Institution |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
|Best Narrative | Maeda Moriumi | Reitaku University
|Best Data Analysis| Jolie Wanger | University of Hawaii, Manoa
|Best Design | Kathy Pham | MaptimeLA
|Best Overall & People’s Choice | Ariel Dome | University of the Philippines, Diliman
## Awards by Location
| Country | Awards |
| -------- | -------- |
| **Philippines** :flag-ph: | 2 |
| **California** :flag-us: | 1|
| **Hawaii** :desert_island: | 1 |
| **Japan** :flag-jp: | 1 |
| **Mexico** :flag-mx: | 0 |
## Thank you!
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