tags: project, Taiwan
title: 'forkonomy() ver 2 - Public'
Authors: Winnie Soon + TzuTung Lee
link: https://hackmd.io/@siusoon/forkonomy_ver2
# 岔經濟()</br> forkonomy() ver.2.0
-- 李紫彤、孫詠怡
## 你對南海的印象是什麼?</br> What’s your impression on the South China Sea?
(eg. 南海就是一個主權爭奪的地方 --- by o.unknot 11/17/2021 9:50pm)
歡迎你開啟這個HackMD,並在以下藍色部分,寫下你對南海的感受 / Your are welcome to write about your impression on the South China Sea in the blue square of this HackMD below.
let questions = [
"What is South China Sea?",
"What do you know about the South China Sea?",
"What is your relationship with the South China Sea?",
"Who owns the South China Sea?",
"How can we own the South China Sea?",
"Can we co-own the South China Sea?",
"Where is the territory/boundary of the South China Sea?",
"Why are there many military operations in the South China Sea?",
"What's the price of the ocean per one milliter?",
"What does it mean to sell one milliter of the South China Sea?",
"What does it mean to buy one milliter of the South China Sea?",
"What does it mean to own one milliter of the South China Sea?",
"What does it mean to mint one milliter of the South China Sea?",
"Should water in the sea be measured by the volume and individually owned?"
2020年12月,在鄭淑麗所在台灣文化實驗場所策的 Lab Kill Lab 展覽中,發展初版 《岔經濟()》計畫。我們邀請了政策制定者、海洋學學者、開源社群的推廣人、環境保護與原住民權益的倡議者與我們共組「另類議會」,在這個議會中,我們討論南海的所有權問題,接著針對討論結果,簽署合約、執行拍賣、並部署根據合約結果所構成的程式碼。而第二版的《岔經濟()》,我們則將「另類議會」決議共同持有的每一毫升「南海」製成區塊鏈上的非同質化代幣。藉由區塊鏈去中心經濟與安那其的特質,開發「擁有權」背後更深的政治意義。
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Building upon the first version of Forkonomy(), we gathered diverse participants, including policymakers, scholars, Marine life conservators, cultural workers, artists and activists, to queering the ownership of the one millilitre of Nan Hai through discussion, auction, contract making, as well as code certificate performance. The second version puts the agreed and the co-owned one millilitre of the Nan Hai as an NFT (non-fungible token) on the blockchain network, which is a decentralized and distributed protocol that facilitates recording transactions of assets, with the aim to explore the notion of ownership. What does it mean by mining and co-owning one millilitre of the ocean from the South China Sea?
### 為什麼選擇南海作為具有像徵意義的盜版對象(研究對象)來考慮共有、共治、共享和盜版?</br> Why choosing South China Sea as a figurative and pirated object (of study) to think about forkonomy, digital commons and piracy?
image credit: Pete
* 地緣政治位置 Geopolitical site
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/South_China_Sea_claims_map.jpg" width="390">
* 購買/擁有/擁有權 Buying/Owning/licensing
* 原住民族領土問題 Indigenous territory issues
* 聯邦/共享 Commonweath/Commoning
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Despite the fact that Nan Hai is one of the world’s most heavily trafficked waterways for international trade, it is also one of the most disputable sea areas in the world over the territorial claims, spanning across Brunei, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, The Philippines and Vietnam. In addition, multiple Asian governments assert sovereignty over rocks, reefs, as well as other geographic features and undersea natural resources. This oceanic object is highly tangible and material, and yet significantly economical, military and political. If boundaries were not dotted lines on the map or “imaginary lines in the ocean” to compete for colonial power, but as Epeli Hau’ofa (1993) suggests on making and maintaining kin connections to respect one another, traditions, and histories, then how might we queer the South China Sea otherwise?
## 原住民族土地認知聲明 <br>Indigenous land acknowledgement
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/0lwJt0q.jpg" width="700">
## Law of the sea<br> 海洋公約
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/LNw9fMq.png" height="500">
## 2020: 工作坊文件夾 </br> workshop folder
Mozilla Hubs: https://hubs.mozilla.com/uTnEQX4/forkonomy
1. Contract 合約 [1](https://hackmd.io/dASAO4_IQZmjIg-VjcwSrg?both), [2](https://hackmd.io/@Ry-0Wt7UTBGfv_8QhjDgng/rJQZfInhD)
2. Code of Conduct 行為準則 [1](https://hackmd.io/cNhHS34mRb69aPRCHRAd4w), [2](https://hackmd.io/EEsgDhCPRoa6vLqyYOLYQg)
3. [code certificate 程式碼證書](https://gitlab.com/siusoon/forkonomy/-/blob/master/certificate.js)
## 2021:文件夾 </br> folder
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The second version puts the agreed and the co-owned one millilitre of the Nan Hai as an NFT (non-fungible token) on the blockchain network, which is a decentralized and distributed protocol that facilitates recording transactions of assets, with the aim to explore the notion of ownership. What does it mean by mining and co-owning one millilitre of the ocean from the South China Sea?
In the project Forkonomy(), we are interested in rethinking the politics of our contemporary economic and technical-cultural systems. By employing free and open source software and decentralized protocols, we set the participatory project as a commoning ship for people of the pacific who want to queer and care the matters of hierarchies, ownership, gendered labour division, as well as to fight against the constant threats of maintaining a high degree of autonomy regarding the land and the sea. Forknomy() shall sail the economy and autonomy into a queer ocean of freedom and the sea of commonwealth.
> 安那其:又稱無政府主義,也是各去中心經濟、去中心治理的背後政治核心,它的理想是自由的個願互助結合,以建立自治、互助、反獨裁主義的和諧社會。
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Zj1Ob4q.png" width=800>
NFT Contracts (English, Chinese and Computer Code versions)
購買 Buy [Hic et Nunc/Teia 上的 Forkonomy() NFT](https://teia.art/objkt/544362) ~~(https://hicetnunc.art/objkt/544362)~~
[詳情 Details](https://hackmd.io/@Ry-0Wt7UTBGfv_8QhjDgng/B1okK8tvF)
## 藝術家介紹 </br> Artist’s Bio
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/yZwF0QS.jpg" width=300>
**李紫彤**為台灣的觀念藝術家。其作品結合人類學研究與政治行動,探索人們如何建立政治、性別以及疾病的認同。他經常將網路藝術、行爲表演、錄像裝置等各媒材轉換成參與式計畫,邀請參與者們成為個計畫的共同創作者,一齊挑戰、解殖當代藝術與科技世界的各式權威。她的作品在全球各地皆有展出,包括 MOCA Taipei, C-Lab (台灣), Cuchifritos Gallery, Stanford University, Tom Robbinson Gallery (美國), Lisbon University (葡萄牙), ArtScape(加拿大)等 。他也是科技藝術合作社 <微米宇宙 Tinyverse > 的創始人、藝術與人類學跨界展<感野 Sensefield >的策展人。詳見網站 www.tzutung.com
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Lee Tzu Tung is a conceptual artist from Taiwan. Combining anthropological field research and political activism, zir art projects explore how one survives and negotiates autonomy with multiple forms of political, gender, and illness identities. Ze often introduces the participatory method in zir works, invites participants as collective creators to test and decolonize the contemporary form of art, technology, and authorities. Tzu Tung’s artworks have been exhibited globally, including MOCA Taipei, C-Lab (TW), Cuchifritos Gallery, Stanford University, Tom Robbinson Gallery (US), Lisbon University (PT), ArtScape(CA), etc. Ze is also the founder of the artist-technologist collaborative NPO <Tinyverese>, and the curator for art and anthropology exhibitions <Sensefield>. For more: www.tzutung.com
Winnie Soon was born and raised in Hong Kong, increasingly aware of, and confronting, identity politics regarding its colonial legacy and postcolonial authoritarianism. As an artistic coder and researcher, they are interested in queering the intersections of technical and artistic practices as a feminist praxis, with works appearing in museums, galleries, festivals, distributed networks, papers and books. Researching in the areas of software studies and computational practices, they are currently Associate Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. More: www.siusoon.net
## 聯絡 </br> Contact