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# COMP1010
## 1.1 - Admin - Course Introduction
### Who Am I?
* Sim Mautner (they/them).
* Tutor and lecturer... different subjects... COMP and INFS... since 2008.
* Martial arts (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
* My attempt at drawing from YouTube videos...
### What is this course?
* Content:
* Python programming
* Simple web applications
* Interface design
* Approaches:
* Tools
* Computational thinking
### Computational Thinking
* Computational thinking: is a process where a problem is analysed and solved so that a human, machine or computer can effectively implement the solution.
* Involves using strategies to organise data logically, break down problems into parts, interpret patterns and design and implement algorithms to solve problems.
* [More Detail](https://www.thetech.org/sites/default/files/techtip_computationalthinking_v3.pdf)
* [Even More Detail](http://cse.unl.edu/~lksoh/Classes/CSCE100_Fall18/handouts/01ComputationalThinkingCSCoding.pdf)
### Who is this course for?
* No background in programming required.
* Designed to introduce topics from the beginning.
* If you have background and experience, this will be boring for you - go take COMP1511 and COMP1531.
### How do I succeed in this course?
| | |
| -------- | -------- |
| <img width="500" src="https://source.unsplash.com/1pyqUh8Jx3E"> | In order of importance:<ol><li>Practice</li><li>Ask questions</li><li>Get feedback</li><li>See how others approach problems</li></ol> |
### Be prepared for things to not work... and to keep at it.
<center><img alt="programming" src="https://cdn.kapwing.com/final_5f45f431778d5e0015010631_452589.gif" width="700"/></center>
### Expectations
* Lecture slides - just before the lecture, if any, and sometimes don't quite match the approach I decide to take
* Tutorial and lab work - more in advance than lecture slides (Rani and Miguel are working on those)
* Lecture videos (by the end of the day in which the lecture took place)
### Where can I find everything I need for this course?
* [Course Website:](https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP1010/21T3/)
- [ ] Course outline
- [ ] Online classes (zoom links)
- [ ] Resources
- [ ] Forum
- [ ] How can I use the forum to ask confidential questions?
- [ ] Lecture material
- [ ] When is everything due?
- [ ] Grades
### Plagiarism
* https://www.edi.unsw.edu.au/conduct-integrity/conduct-unsw/contract-cheating
* How can I use resources from the internet, including adapting snippets of code to make my application do what I want it to do, while being confident that I'm not breaking the rules about plagiarism and cheating?
* Reference all resources you use. Include the url, the purpose, the lines you copied/adapted. Communicate as clearly as possible to the marker what aspects of your submission are uniquely yours, what sections are adapted, and what sections are copied or close to copied.
### How do I contact Sim or my tutor?
* Best option: Make a private post on the course forum. (these go to Sim)
* Course e-mail: cs1010@cse.unsw.edu.au (these go to Sim)
* Tutor's e-mails: find on the course website.
### Help Sessions and Consultations
## Feedback

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