# DeCompute-Asia CCS Privacy Workshop 2024
2 July 2024 @ Singapore

:bulb: Researchers, Protocol Designers, Policy Makers, Techno-Legal experts, and Commercial Developers of PET Technology under one roof
Organized by [Silence Laboratories.](https://https://www.silencelaboratories.com/)
- *An open discussion amongst technologists, researchers, legal experts and policy makers about their journeys around data privacy.*
- *A venue for discourse on the wide adoption of PETs*
- *A platform to raise hard questions on current data sharing and monetisation approches and starting towards user-privacy centric designs.*
- [x] **- Strucuture of the workshop:**
- *A: Opening remarks*
- *B: Role of Cryptography in the marriage of Consent and Privacy*
- **Talk:** Consent as Proxy for Privacy: Lessons learnt from surveys with the users of open banking and uncovering loopholes.
- **Panel Dicussion:** Representatives from policy makers, legals and cryptographers
- **Talk**: Designing auditable and transparent privacy preserving inferences with programable consent and distributed computation.
- *C: Privacy tools for secure data collaboration and verifiable monetisation*
- **Talk:** Case study on international collaboration between financial institutions
- **Panel Dicussion:** Challenges and the role of PET in telecommunication data monetisation
- **Talk:** Improving Trust in Data Exchnages through PETs
- *D. Talk: Data custody systematization and future internet*
- *E. Whiteboard session:* Designing techno-legal framework for bridging privacy laws and technologies
- Closing Remarks
**Workshop Details**
- Location: PARKROYAL on Beach Road Hotel,
7500 Beach Rd, Singapore 199591
- Date: July 2, 2024, Co-Located with Asia CCS Conference
- Time: 8:30 AM to 5 PM SGT
- Website: https://www.decompute.org/decompute-asiaccs-2024
Register: https://asiaccs2024.sutd.edu.sg/registration/
This workshop aims to foster discussions and showcase the latest advancements in the fields of privacy preserving computation from a balanced lense of technology, policy, legalities and user empowerement.
We invite researchers, practitioners, and businesses, enthusiasts to join the workshop and share their knowledge and insights in these rapidly evolving domains.
**Participation:** Presenters are invited to submit their talks details (no proceedings, no page limit). Proposals for talks should include an abstract, a presentation sketch and a brief bio of the speaker. You can send the proposal to decompute@silencelaboratories.com with subject- *Talk Submission DeCompute-Asia CCS*.
**Keynote Speakers:** We are delighted to welcome a distinguished lineup of keynote speakers from academia and industry, who will share their insights and recent developments in the field.Details will be updated on the workshop website.
We look forward to your submissions and your participation in what promises to be an enlightening and inspiring event!
**Organizing Committee**
DeCompute-ASIA CCS Workshop 2024