# zimrc ```shell= # Start configuration added by Zim install {{{ # # This file is not sourced during shell startup. It is used to configure the # Zim framework and its plugins. # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Core Modules # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Sets sane Zsh built-in environment options. zmodule environment # Provides handy Git aliases and functions. zmodule git # Applies correct key bindings for input events. zmodule input # Sets a custom terminal title. zmodule termtitle # Adds utility aliases and functions (e.g., colored output for ls, grep, less). zmodule utility # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional Tools & Plugins # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Plugin manager for language versions (e.g., Ruby, Node.js). zmodule asdf # Modern replacement for ls with more features. zmodule exa # Command-line fuzzy finder. zmodule fzf # Directory jumper with an easy-to-use interface. zmodule rupa/z # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Themes & Prompts # -------------------------------------------------------------- # A fast, feature-rich, and highly customizable theme for Zsh. zmodule romkatv/powerlevel10k --use degit # Exposes to prompts how long the last command took to execute (used by asciiship). zmodule duration-info # Exposes git repository status information to prompts (used by asciiship). zmodule git-info # A minimal, ASCII-only prompt inspired by Spaceship and Starship. zmodule asciiship # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Completion & History # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional completion definitions for Zsh. zmodule zsh-users/zsh-completions --fpath src # Enables and configures smart and extensive tab completion. # Note: Must be sourced after all modules that add completion definitions. zmodule completion # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Syntax Highlighting & Suggestions # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Fish-like syntax highlighting for Zsh. # Note: Must be sourced after completion. zmodule zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting # Fish-like history search (up arrow) for Zsh. # Note: Must be sourced after zsh-syntax-highlighting. zmodule zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search # Fish-like command autosuggestions for Zsh. zmodule zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions # }}} End configuration added by Zim install ```