# The Best Tips to Overcome Social Anxiety Having a social anxiety disorder means that even the most unexpected social interactions can leave you quivering, wobbly, and also frightened. There are different social anxieties that can affect your daily life by making it difficult to engage in commonplace activities, like talking to fellow students, buying groceries, eating alone in public, attending classes, or going on dates. Managing social anxiety generally is not about just going into the crowd, you need to feel comfortable as well. So, here are some ways that can help you feel more comfortable and interact with others easily. **Talk with a therapist:** if you have social anxiety, then you should start by talking to a therapist. Despite what some people might propose, social anxiety is more than just inhibition. You can feel more uneasy as well as nervous when you are around new people. It is basically a **[mental health](https://www.samhsa.gov/mental-health)** condition and not possible to work through symptoms all by yourself. Going to a therapist can really help in overcoming such problems. You can do a lot on your own to manage the anxiety and distress your experience. However, getting professional support is always a good place to start. With a trained mental health professional you can get more insight on the difference between social anxiety and shyness. You can easily identify the social anxiety triggers. In addition to it, they teach you about coping strategies, social skills, and relaxation techniques. When you go for rehabilitation, you can look for a safe environment to practice steering anxiety-provoking situations with the best exposure. Your therapist can recommend group therapy or support groups that can provide you with practice social skills. You can interact with other people and also cope with social anxiety. A therapist can help you connect with a psychiatrist if required. They can even give you medication to get some relief from severe symptoms. **Be kind to yourself:** Even if you are the only one who is experiencing anxiety, then it might get easy to find it difficult to go out in public and focus on everything which seems to be going wrong. You can use a use five-sense method. This will help you to obtain perspective and overcome social anxiety. Check in with all the five senses so that you can become more aware of the outside world. Avoid unpleasant internal feelings and bad ideas. Ask yourself questions to understand your inner feelings. This can help you in overcoming social anxiety and help in reducing your stress. Overall, you can easily deal with social anxiety. **Try cognitive behavioral therapy:** Among the different types of psychotherapy available, cognitive behavioral therapy can really make a difference in your life. This includes making changes to the way you think and feel about a situation. This in turn can help you modify your behavior. It is one of the best ways to approach social anxiety. With social anxiety specifically, you can identify the patterns of thinking which cause you to avoid social situations. **Limiting alcohol can help:** Many people think that overcoming social anxiety becomes much easier when you drink alcohol. They start feeling more at ease in such kinds of social situations by having one or two drinks. Undoubtedly, a little bit of alcohol can help you feel more comfortable in a crowded place. However, it can also heighten your anxiety and make you feel worse. So, it is better to keep that urge away. If you frequently drink to control the social anxiety symptoms, then you can reach the point where you cannot socialize without it. Moreover, you can find that drinking more is required to achieve the same results. You can develop an awareness of when you drink, how much you drink, and how it makes you feel. This method is known as mindful drinking. If you have to drink every time you talk to your roommates at **[Student Accommodation Toulouse](https://www.universityliving.com/france/city/toulouse)**, then it can be an issue. It is better to concentrate on public speaking without having alcohol every time. **Practice public speaking:** For those who have mild-to-moderate social anxiety disorder, looking for ways to practice public speaking can be the ideal approach. You can join any club or society where you can practice public speaking and rehearse. You can even connect with your old friends or family members who can guide you or help you out in the whole process.