# 2021-04-06 `shanihsu` ## 測驗 1 ```c= static void run(char *c, int t) { char *redir_stdin = NULL, *redir_stdout = NULL; int pipefds[2] = {0, 0}, outfd = 0; char *v[99] = {0}; char **u = &v[98]; /* end of words */ for (;;) { c--; if (is_delim(*c)) /* if NULL (start of string) or pipe: break */ break; if (!is_special(*c)) { c++; /* Copy word of regular chars into previous u */ **(u--) = *c; /* 先將 u-- ,得到 previous u 的指標的指標,再取兩次值,得到 u 的值,並將 c 的值 assign 給 **u */ } if (is_redir(*c)) { /* If < or > */ if (*c == '<') redir_stdin = *u; else redir_stdout = *u; if ((u - v) != 98) u++; } } if ((u - v) == 98) /* empty input */ ``` --- ## 測驗 2 ```c= static void dequeue(queue_t *q, int *fd) { node_t *old_head; pthread_mutex_lock(q->head_lock); /* Wait until signaled that queue is non_empty. * Need while loop in case a new thread manages to steal the queue * element after the waiting thread is signaled, but before it can * re-acquire head_lock. */ /* delete node in head of queue */ old_head = q->head; q->head = q->head->next; q->size--; pthread_mutex_unlock(q->head_lock); free(old_head); } ``` 1. 執行緒函式 greeter_routine 和 worker_routine 在上述網頁伺服器中,分別負責什麼功能? 2. enqueue 和 dequeue 是單向鏈結串列 (singly-linked list) 所實作的佇列 (queue) 裡頭的基本操作,你如何驗證自己的實作能在並行環境正確無誤? --- ## 測驗 3 ```c= #define ALIGN_FLOOR(val, align) (((val % align) == 0)? (val) : (val + align - (val % align))) ``` --- ## 測驗 4
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