# CW22 Survey Results Blog :::info * See the charts here :point_right: [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/sgibson91/ssi-fellowship/main?urlpath=voila/render/cw22-survey/code/analysis/analyse-survey-results.ipynb) * GDrive link for resources :point_right: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1A-wIF8QRZWC_fWi7SFF1Q_cF2YANd5GF?usp=sharing ::: ## Suggested Outline _Please feel free to add notes or reconfigure the flow as needed_ * **Motivation:** Why did we run this session? What were we hoping to learn? * Can probably re-use some material from the abstract here: https://github.com/sgibson91/ssi-fellowship/blob/main/talks/abstracts/CollabW2022.md#mini-workshop-or-demo-session-abstract * **Results:** What did we learn? What actions does this translate to in Binder and/or repo2docker? * Need to acknowledge that 5 participants is not a large enough sample size to draw specific actions from :laughing: * **Next Steps:** What feedback did we receive and how will that affect future iterations of the survey? * ... --- ## Draft ### _`'It depends.' Lessons from Crowdsourcing Community Practices for Reproducible Computational Environments in the Cloud`_ #### Why we ran this session To pilot test a survey about community best practices in reproducible computational environments in the cloud. The goal of the survey is to better understand the pain points of using a cloud-based environment service, and how the assumptions such a service makes may or may not align with various community best practices. #### What did we learn? - Improvements to the question set. On person suggested we ask bout research area. this information may help better understand the differences among disciplines. - We also received feecabc to refine the answer choices, especially the binary yes/no/maybe questions. "It depends" or "maybe" was a common refrain in the discussion. #### What's next?