--- tags: ssi, mentorship, meeting --- # SSI Mentorship Meeting Notes - **Meeting date and time**: 2020-02-14 15:00 UTC - **Check your timezone**: https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2020-02-14/15:00 - **Zoom link**: https://turing-uk.zoom.us/j/3439304373 - **This HackMD pad**: https://hackmd.io/@sgibson91/ByWj5R-z8 ## Agenda - What are good metrics of success and impact for the Fellowship? - What are the most effective ways Sarah can present herself at conferences for encouraging new engagement with the Binder community? - For example, talks vs demos vs advertising as a point of contact - Following a talk with Malvika, I think one good option is combining a lightning talk with a table at the conference to hand out "swag" (stickers, flyers, ...) and where I can be available for conversations and to help people open issues/join the community - After talking with Tim, it could be cool to use some of the aggregated comments from the Binder user survey - specifically comments around R and Julia - as part of lightning talks and to spark conversation. - JuliaCon abstract is the next one due - https://pretalx.com/juliacon2020/cfp - Birds of a feather session? - Have I bitten off more than I can chew? - My application feels like it has two streams: finding contributors at conferences and educating the educators at workshop. Encouraging engagement (alongside normal conference prep!) and planning a workshop are mammoth tasks individually. Is it a moon-shot to attempt both? - Schedule next meeting ## Meeting Notes _I'm trying to work as openly as possible during my Fellowship. However, if there's something you would like removing from a permanent record (for example, GitHub), please mark it with the_ 🤫 _emoji._ * More than I can chew * conferences * JupyterCon * Aims: blog posts, 1 page deliverable, handouts, 1-2-3 to binder-ready repos, birds of a feather: low-prep and conversational, short survey (non-commital) * train-the-trainers: how to package your repos, short videos to accompany the tutorials * metrics: focus in on one thing to do well * take pictures, add interest to blog posts - First contribution to open source: - https://github.com/willingc/ghc-jupyter-2017 - https://github.com/willingc/ghc-openhatch-2016 - https://github.com/willingc/oh-ghc-2015 - https://github.com/willingc/epic-interactive * Mini-workshop during JupyterCon sprint, lowers commitment on conference planning side * highlight in lightning talk: if you haven't looked recently, there's new stuff there!