# INCF/OCNS Software WG meeting: Feb 14 0800 UTC Minutes from last meeting (January) are published on the blog here: https://ocns.github.io/SoftwareWG/2022/02/04/wg-meeting-10-january-2022.html ## Attendees - Ankur Sinha (University College London) - Malin Sandström (INCF) - Akash Mishra (Independent Researcher) - Felix B. Kern (University of Tokyo) ### Regrets - Shailesh Appukuttan (on leave) ## Preset agenda - https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/59 - update on tutorial survey form - CNS 2022 tutorial preparation - making the WG more diverse - workshop for the INCF Assembly (deadline Feb 28) ## Tutorial survey form - https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/57 ## CNS 2022 tutorials - Come up with page that lists various tools and their use cases/features? - Malin will speak to Fleur about topics/syllabus for the tutorial - Idea: keep tutorial tool agnostic? Then feed into different simulator specific tutorials? - For example: HH tutorial in Python: https://hodgkin-huxley-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_ktb-bPY=/ - NeuroTech mindmap, add tools section to the CompNeuro bits - NMA probably happen in July again: https://academy.neuromatch.io/ - Need to figure out what it is we want to teach before we can come up with a syllabus and assign tasks. - Find a sweet spot that avoids both generic computational neuroscience teaching and generic tool basics - A repeat of last year's tutorials may be acceptable ## WG diversity - https://github.com/OCNS/SoftwareWG/issues/58 - Reach out to neuroscience groups on discord and reddit and get some of the members involved in ocns to increase our diversity - We could try to recruit from computational neuroscience communities with more diversity, like Neuromatch - [Outreachy](https://www.outreachy.org/): can get money from Wellcome - Brainhack, and *all* other communities that we can connect with ## INCF Assembly workshop https://www.incf.org/blog/call-incf-assembly-workshop-themes - Adopt some of the existing ideas and best practices in DevOps to Neuroscience data lifecycle - birds of a feather sessions: - diversity and inclusion - tool developers in neuroscience - education/training - the INCF training weeks will happen separately for specific training sessions - TODO: ask wg members to add more ideas here ## Next meeting March 14 2022 - 1700 UTC