## Rust CTCFT
## Agenda
## 6 years of Rust
<img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/5QLuCuhzJlSbAOV30c/source.gif" width="40%"/>
Thanks to XAMPPRocky for the [great blog post](https://github.com/rust-lang/blog.rust-lang.org/pull/837)!
## Agenda
* Exciting developments (10min)
* Rust 2021 edition
* Error handling project group
* Discussion topics (35min)
* Async vision doc
* Compiler team sprint retrospective
* Let the fun times roll (coda)
* Open floor (5min)
## Protocol
* Meeting queue for questions
* Type `o/` in the chat to add yourself
* Type `nm` to remove yourself
* spastorino :pray: will manage [speaker queue](https://hackmd.io/w28ZbOUPRSqzC680EjDssA)
* Please keep your video off unless you are expecting to speak.
* Stay muted when not speaking.
* Please avoid extensive conversations in the chat -- quick Q&A is ok.
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