# 2024-06-25-NCL Unix Shell ### This document: # https://hackmd.io/@rseteam-ncl/2024-06-25-NCL ### JupyterHub: # ## Getting the data we need for today: In a terminal (bash shell) ```bash wget https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/data/shell-lesson-data.zip unzip shell-lesson-data ``` ### Links: - [Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html) - [Workshop website](https://nclrse-training.github.io/2024-06-25-NCL/) - [Link to lesson website](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/) - [Link to data](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/data/shell-lesson-data.zip) - [Pre-workshop survey](https://carpentries.typeform.com/to/wi32rS?slug=2024-06-25-NCL) - [Post-workshop survey](https://carpentries.typeform.com/to/UgVdRQ?slug=2024-06-25-NCL) - [Code Community](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aG79Rz7Mhk6rC0mhia04YCD-nj7WabLMxhnyb1YLp04A1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=7059214c-2200-4ad6-a739-9d350c74c7a9&tenantId=9c5012c9-b616-44c2-a917-66814fbe3e87) ### Getting Started: 1. Complete the pre-workshop survey (linked above) if you haven't already. 2. Click on the JupyterHub link and enter your university username (e.g. c12345678) and a password of your choice. The first time you log in will set your password to whatever you enter. 3. Click the 'link to data' above to download the dataset we will be using in this workshop. 4. Drag and drop the downloaded zip file into JupyterHub 5. Click on the box with the $_ icon to open a terminal. 6. In the newly opened terminal window, type `unzip shell-lesson-data` 7. Put up a green sticky note on the top of your computer to indicate you are done with the initial setup. 8. Make sure you add your name and email address to the attendance list below! ### Attendance: ## Please sign in using your <span style="color:red">university email</span> and your <span style="color:red">name</span>: 1. jannetta.steyn@newcastle.ac.uk, Jannetta Steyn 2. frances.hutchings@newcastle.ac.uk, Frances Turner 3. n.tzoumas2@ncl.ac.uk, Nik Tzoumas 4. l.whitehead2@newcastle.ac.uk, Lou Whitehead 5. y.hao17@newcastle.ac.uk, Yuqing Hao 6. l.hu13@ncl.ac.uk, Luyang Hu 7. C.Hsieh3@newcastle.ac.uk, HSIEH, CHI-YEN 8. J.Zhao41@newcastle.ac.uk, Jianan Zhao 9. d.hoogland2@newcastle.ac.uk, Damar Hoogland 10. c.m.a.zanoletti2@newcastle.ac.uk, Carola Zanoletti 11. a.j.kalita2@newcastle.ac.uk, Ankur Jyoti Kalita 12. M.A.M.Alsaawy2@newcastle.ac.uk, Maye Alsaawy 13. M.Y.A.Nalenan2@newcastle.ac.uk, Marissa Yusrien Adelice Nalenan 14. S.Edmunds2@newcastle.ac.uk, Sam Edmunds 15. w.n.h.alqahtani2@newcastle.ac.uk, WAAD ALQAHTANI 16. a.a.badamasi2@newcastle.ac.uk, Abdulmalik Badamasi 17. c3061105@newcastle.ac.uk,Olufarati Tolu Eunice