# 2024-02-20-NCL-NEURAL NETWORKS ### This document: # https://hackmd.io/@rseteam-ncl/2024-02-20-NCL-NEURAL # Carpentries Neural Networks workshop ## 20th Feb 2024 ### :pushpin: Links - This HackMD File: [https://hackmd.io/@rseteam-ncl/2024-02-20-NCL-NEURAL](https://hackmd.io/@rseteam-ncl/2024-02-20-NCL-NEURAL) - [The workshop homepage](https://nclrse-training.github.io/2024-02-20-NCL/) - [Carpentries Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html) - [Workshop Materials](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/) - [Pre-workshop survey](https://forms.office.com/e/85qbAtKV1n) - [Post-workshop survey](https://forms.office.com/e/tL6T5EVW8n) ### Before we begin :::info :exclamation: If you haven't done so yet, please fill in the pre-workshop survey: [Pre-workshop survey](https://forms.office.com/e/85qbAtKV1n) ::: ### Introductions :::info Use this section to say hi to everyone! Leave your name and your school/department. You can also link to any personal / staff homepage if you like. ::: - [Tiago Sousa Garcia](https://rse.ncldata.dev/team/tiago-sousa-garcia) (instructor), Research Software Engineer :wave: - Ruxandra Neatu, r.neatu2@newcastle.ac.uk - Matthew Teasdale, [BSU](https://www.ncl.ac.uk/bsu/), Faculty of Medical Sciences. - Yuehan Yan, School of Engineering, PGR - Henry Harper-Gardner, School of Maths, Stats & Physics, PGR. - Alaa Alkrud , School of Computing PGR. - Yiran Dong, School of Engineering, PGR - Alex McDermott-Roberts, NUBI, FMS (Bumblebee behaviour and cognition) - Nehal Hassan, FMS, School of Pharmacy, Research Associate - Alana Mullins, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Diabetes Research Group, PGR. - Jianan Zhao, School of Computing, PGT. - Liyuan Zhu, FMS, NIHR PGR - Oscar Ballantyne, SNES, PGR. - `Denis Dysen`, **helper!** - Mohmaed alsonisi School of engineering, PGR - SookYen Lau, School of Computing, PGR - Nana Yaw Aboagye,TCRI, PGR - Amrit Kumar, PGT, School of Computing - Aybuke Tezel, Law School, PGR - CHI KIT NG, School of Computing, PGR ### Workshop schedule :::warning These are rough timings -- the lesson we will be following is still being developed and this is the first time we teach it. ::: |Time|Activity|Duration| |----|--------|--------| |09h30|Setup, general questions | 30 minutes | |10h00|[Introduction](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/01-xrays/index.html)| 30 minutes | |10h30|[Visualisation](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/02-visualisation/index.html) | 45 minutes | |11h15|Refreshment break| 15 minutes | |11h30|[Data preparation](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/03-data_prep/index.html) | 30 minutes | |12h00| Questions, review, discussion | 45 minutes | |12h45| Lunch | 45 minutes | |13h30| [Neural Networks](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/04-create_net/index.html) | 45 minutes |14h15| [Training and evaluation I](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/05-train_eval/index.html) | 15 minutes | |14h30| Refreshment break | 30 minutes | |15h00| [Training and evaluation II](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/05-train_eval/index.html) | 30 minutes |15h30| [Explainability](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/06-explainability/index.html) | 30 minutes |16h00| Questions, review, discussion | 45 minutes | ### 0. Setup 1. Go to [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/) 2. Open a new notebook 3. Download the data: ``` !wget https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/machine-learning-neural-python/raw/gh-pages/data/chest_xrays.zip ``` :::warning :exclamation: The link in the lesson materials is wrong! Use this link instead: [https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/machine-learning-neural-python/raw/gh-pages/data/chest_xrays.zip](https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/machine-learning-neural-python/raw/gh-pages/data/chest_xrays.zip) ::: 4. Unzip the data ``` !unzip chest_xrays.zip ``` ### 1. [Introduction](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/01-xrays/index.html) #### :notebook: Comunity notes - [Add your notes here] #### :question: Q&A - [Add your questions here] ### 2. [Visualisation](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/02-visualisation/index.html) #### :notebook: Comunity notes - [Add your notes here] #### Exercise |Name|Accuracy| |---|----| |Henry|70%| |MOHAMED|60%| |Tiago |50% | |Yuehan Yan|50%| |Alex MDR | 70%| |Nana|70%| |Matthew|60%| |Jianan|70%| |OB| 70%| |Alana|70%| |Nehal |70%| |Alaa|80%| #### :question: Q&A - [Add your questions here] ### 3. [Data preparation](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/03-data_prep/index.html) #### :notebook: Comunity notes - [Add your notes here] #### :question: Q&A - [Add your questions here] ### 4. [Neural Networks](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/04-create_net/index.html) #### :notebook: Comunity notes - [Add your notes here] #### :question: Q&A - [Add your questions here] ### 5. [Training and evaluation](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/05-train_eval/index.html) #### :notebook: Comunity notes - [Add your notes here] #### :question: Q&A - [Add your questions here] ### 6. [Explainability](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/machine-learning-neural-python/06-explainability/index.html) #### :notebook: Comunity notes - [Add your notes here] #### :question: Q&A - [Add your questions here] ### Before we go :::info :exclamation: Please remember to fill in the post-workshop survey: [Post-workshop survey](https://forms.office.com/e/tL6T5EVW8n) :::