# Rust-ML WG Meeting 00035 # Meeting Info Date: 2022-01-14 Start time: 1100ET # Participants - chrism - Yuhan - Qing Wang - lorenz # Minutes - Some smaller updates on Linfa - Removed reqwest from dependencies - Integrating NN into AppxDbscan - Looking into using Linfa without BLAS systems libraries - ndarray-linalg is, in particular, affected - Largely using the Cholesky decomposition - Could use nalgebra to provide access to the methods that are currently gatekeeping that switch - https://docs.rs/nalgebra/0.3.2/src/nalgebra/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/nalgebra-0.3.2/src/linalg/decompositions.rs.html#264-306 - Could also create ndarray-based lib, using nalgebra's implementations, to provide those methods - Create secondary libary doing this first, then trying to upstream afterwards? - Want to use upstream ndarray-linalg traits, which shouldn't create linker error without LAPACK - Should we think about splitting linfa-clustering into individual crates? - Doesn't largely effect the dependency tree, but might affect build times - Something similar about Nearest Neighbors - Yuhan did initial review of the PR for Multinomial Naive Bayes - Suggested using traits rather than enums - Lorenz is going to take a look as well, especially on the actual algorithm implementation - Doing benchmarks with linfa-python - https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/linfa-python - Using PyO3 - Switching from poetry to maturin per PyO3 - Get started with KMeans - chrism # Action Items - chrism will open issue around adding Python bindings and benchmarks to the linfa repo - Lorenz to take a look at the Multinomial Naive Bayes PR as well, with a focus on the actual algorithm implementation