# Gateway Logs, D. Pavonis Gateway, 2310-10-24 ![](https://i.imgur.com/iW5eT1S.png) <center><small>This paper is an official document of the Third Fleet Gateway Administration Detachment:</small></center> <center><small><b>GATEWAY VESSEL PROXIMITY LOG</b></small></center> --- **DATE:** 2310-10-24 **TIME:** 16:41 **GATEWAY ASSET:** D. Pavonis **AUTHORIZED VIEWING PERSONNEL:** SCGDF Administration & Sensors Staff **CHALLENGE PRIORITY:** DRAGON-02 **CHALLENGE IDENTIFICATION:** JXVN0332 --- **LOG TITLE:** Transponder Record: 2310-10-19 **LOG AS FOLLOWS:** **TIME**: **_DES NAME \[IDENTIFICATION CODE\]_** message. **02:15**: _**SFV Perdition (Nefertari-class) \[III-314\]**_ announces patrol pattern Charlie complete, and begins idle. **02:18**: _**SFV Laurentford (Antietam-class) \[III-102\]**_ announces patrol pattern Alpha complete, begins patrol pattern Beta. **02:25**: _**SFV Perdition (Nefertari-class) \[III-314\]**_ allows Flight Wing Alpha to exit Hangar Bay One for search of the **_ITV Opera_**. **02:36**: _**SFV Longwalk (Waterloo-class) \[V-115\]**_ completes bluespace jump and enters sensor range of the gateway. **02:41**: _**SFV Perdition (Nefertari-class) \[III-314\]**_ allows Flight Wing Alpha to enter Hangar Bay One with an announcement that the search came up clear. **02:44**: _**SFV Perdition (Nefertari-class) \[III-314\]**_ begins to idle. **02:48**: _**SFV Yellowfield (Antietam-class) \[V-072\]**_ completes bluespace jump and enters sensor range of the gateway. **02:51**: _**SFV Roanoke (Antietam-class) \[V-088\]**_ completes bluespace jump and enters sensor range of the gateway. **02:54**: _**ITV Opera (UNKN-class)**_ enters the gateway and completes bluespace windup. **03:02**: _**SFV Roanoke (Antietam-class) \[V-088\]**_ contacts Gateway Processing. Hail ends after 4 minutes, 22 seconds. **03:08**: _**SFV Tailspin (Scorpio-class) \[V-005 \[ERROR: WRONG CODE\]\]**_ completes bluespace jump and enters sensor range of the gateway. **03:10**: _**SFV Tailspin (Scorpio-class) \[V-005 \[ERROR: WRONG CODE\]\]**_, _**SFV Roanoke (Antietam-class) \[V-088\]**_, _**SFV Yellowfield (Antietam-class) \[V-072\]**_, and _**SFV Longwalk (Waterloo-class) \[V-115\]**_ begin to approach the gateway. Group now designated as _**QRF ALPHA-05**_. **03:15**: _**QRF ALPHA-05 \[V-003\]**_ arrives in **DANGER PROXIMITY** of gateway. Automated warning is given. **03:18**: _**SFV Perdition (Nefertari-class) \[III-314\]**_ has fallen off sensor contact. **03:21**: _**SFV Yellowfield (Antietam-class) \[V-072\]**_ has fallen off sensor contact. **03:24**: _**SFV Laurentford (Antietam-class) \[III-102\]**_ has completed an SOS signal. Message noted as: **_MESSAGE-001_*** (attached below). **03:27**: _**SFV Laurentford (Antietam-class) \[III-102\]**_ has fallen off sensor contact. **03:31**: _**SCGI D. Pavonis (GATEWAY) \[SCG-341\]**_ has completed an SOS signal. Message noted as: **_MESSAGE-002_*** (attached below). **03:31**: _**SCGI D. Pavonis (GATEWAY) \[SCG-341\]**_ has issued the following warning: "**WARNING! WARNING! AVOID THE GATEWAY! DESTRUCTION IMMINENT!**" on channel(s); Distress, Hailing, Fleet Secure, Trade Secure, Government Secure, Picket Secure, Picket Hailing, Emergency, and Public. **03:35**: _**SCGI D. Pavonis (GATEWAY) \[SCG-341\]**_ has issued an evacuation order. **03:41**: System shutdown initiated by System Administration SCGDF Captain Janet Daurville. ![](https://i.imgur.com/iW5eT1S.png) --- **_MESSAGE-001_***: SEND HELP ATTACKED BY ROGUE BATTLEGROUP PERDITION IS DISABLED WITH NO RESPONSE SFV LONGWALK, SFV YELLOWFIELD, SFV ROANOKE, SFV TAILSPIN ARE HOSTILE REPEATING --- **_MESSAGE-002_***: Attention all personnel and travelers in range of the D. Pavonis gateway. Several vessels of the Fifth Fleet are rogue in the system, listed as follows: SFV Tailspin, a Scorpio-class Battlecarrier bearing the IDENT-CODES of the SFV Nathan Hale. SFV Yellowfield, an Antietam-class Destroyer. SFV Roanoke, an Antietam-class Destroyer. SFV Longwalk, a Waterloo-class Cruiser. Avoid all ships bearing these codes or transponders. Avoid the Gateway, we are under attack. This message will repeat on all emergency frequencies. ---