AGI Innovations Inc
* ~15 years
* 100 person years
* team of 10 people
* bulk of development dedicated to NL parser
## [AGI Innovations Inc](https://www.agiinnovation.com/home)
## Key features
* Complex text comprehension with deep parsing
* Contextual conversation management with clarification and disambiguation
* Short- and long-term memory
* Non-opaque ontology-based knowledge graph
* Question answering
* Semantic inference and reasoning (deductive and inductive)
* Interactive, real-time (one-shot) learning
* Natural language skill acquisition
# [Demo](https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_aCxI-4S_w1YVNYdzFmQVNIYVk)
2016 internal milestone demo
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![AIGO Architecture](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/18vzxvjW2Q7q1Q8aGAgyIaXn2IAmNY5f03pgB-PcICQQ/pub?w=1635&h=1059)
## Clause attachment resolution
I shot an elephant in my pajamas.
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###### tags: `miia`