# Syllabus (DRAFT) - Team Phoenix: Supercomputer Cluster Competition, Fall 2024 # _(Course number: VIP 2601/3601/3602/4601/4602/6600/6603 VWP)_ > **DRAFT**: As of Wednesday, August 21, 2024, this syllabus is still in draft form. A final version should be available no later than Thursday, August 22. The aim of [Team Phoenix](https://www.vip.gatech.edu/teams/vwp), a [Vertically Integrated Project (VIP)](https://vip.gatech.edu), is to help you learn the nuts and bolts of _high-performance computing_ or _supercomputing_. When you "supercompute," you use networks of computers to solve computational problems that are either too big or too slow to solve on a single machine. Examples of such problems include * modeling the climate; * simulating what happens when two black holes collide; * designing new medicines and new materials; * creating movie special effects; * and training new natural language models; among many others! The culmination of this training is your participation in an international Student Cluster Competition, where you work as a team to design, build, and operate a small cluster of computers. The two major competitions are held at the annual [SC (Supercomputing) Conference](https://supercomputing.org) (US-based) and [ISC (International Supercomputing Conference)](https://www.isc-hpc.com/) (Europe-based). For some more general background on VIP, [see also here](https://hackmd.io/dzhbLz81T5Om9cpumwEA7A#About-VIP). * Primary advisors for Fall 2024 (faculty, staff, and grad students): [Prof. Richard (Rich) Vuduc](https://vuduc.org), [C. Ross Lindsey](https://www.matthewherron.net/2021/01/17/ross-lindsey-ms/) (GTA), [Jeff N. Valdez](https://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/jeffrey-valdez), [Will Powell](https://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/william-powell), [Prof. Spencer Bryngelson](https://comp-physics.group/) * Additional advisors: [Dr. Aaron Jezghani](https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-jezghani/), and [Jeff Young](https://jyoung3131.github.io/) * Advisors-at-large: [Savit Kavukuntla](https://sahitk.com), [Aman Jain](https://www.linkedin.com/in/amanj120/), and [Marissa Sorkin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/marissa-sorkin/). ## What will I learn? _(Learning objectives.)_ As a member of [Team Phoenix](https://www.vip.gatech.edu/teams/vwp), you'll learn about high-performance computing ("HPC"), or more colloquially, "supercomputing." This knowledge includes basic elements from the entire HPC stack: parallel and distributed computing applications, algorithms, software, hardware, as well as the glue that holds it all together, system administration and job scheduling. > If you want a quick high-level blurb about supercomputing, try [this YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y1LPuBkFbg&list=PLAwxTw4SYaPk8NaXIiFQXWK6VPnrtMRXC&index=4) from Prof. Vuduc's graduate course on HPC. For Fall 2024, we are tentatively planning to have you carry out three mini-projects: 1. *Root user*: Set up the software for a supercomputer system from scratch 2. *User mode*: Run (or write from scratch) a supercomputing benchmark 3. *Power-user mode*: Mini-competition to run one or more applications on a system VIP projects have these overall learning goals: - Learn and practice professional skills (_in our case, parallel programming, profiling and debugging, and system maintenance_) - Make substantial contributions to the team project (_i.e., getting a full parallel application up-and-running and tuned on a real computer cluster_) - Experience different roles on a large, multidisciplinary team ## How will I do all that? _(Assignments and grading.)_ The premise of VIP is teams working on projects. Much like a real-world team, individual members work on different aspects of the project. Team members range from sophomores through graduate students, from first-time participants to students who have been involved for four or more semesters. The number of credits for which a student is enrolled is taken into account in grading. Zero-credit students (reserved for paid participation only) participate in the same grading process. Your grade is based on three areas, along with three requirements. Although each student might contribute in different ways, you must demonstrate achievements in all three areas below. 1. Documentation and records (33%) a. VIP Notebook (required); b. VIP Wiki/blog documentation; c. Code (via GT GitHub) if team is developing software. 2. Personal accomplishments and contributions to your team's goals (33%) a. Quizzes, learning modules, essays, reports required by your advisor(s); b. Engagement in the project; c. Pursuit of knowledge necessary for the project; d. Contributions to the technical progress of the team; e. For more experienced members of the team, contributions to the management of the project may be expected. 3. Teamwork and interaction (33%) a. Peer Evaluations; b. On-time attendance in meetings; c. Actively contributes to overall team goals; d. Coordinates activities with other team members; e. Assists other team members; f. Team presentation(s). As part of the assessment of the above, each student is required to: 1. Maintain a VIP notebook. Scans of well-maintained VIP notebooks are available on the VIP website. Each student must understand that if work is not documented in their VIP notebook, “Then you didn’t do it,” (i.e. work that is not documented in the notebook will not count toward your grade). 2. Complete the mid-term peer evaluation. This is a web-based form, and links are available on the VIP website. Failure to complete the peer evaluation will result in a full letter grade deduction. Late submissions are not accepted. 3. Complete the final peer evaluation, which will be available for one week during the week preceding finals. Failure to complete the peer evaluation will result in a full letter grade deduction. Late submissions are not accepted. Performance assessments will be done once at mid-terms and again at the completion of the semester. The mid-term assessment is advisory. ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/z24oZn9.png) **Notes on documentation.** | Category | Description | |---------------|-------------| | Notebook | Your wiki-subpage | | To-do list | Check-box lists, including date when item is complete | | Meeting notes | Collective Wiki page with meeting summaries | | Usability | How useful is the notebook to future students? | | Overall | Overall rating (e.g., detailed design notes, decisions, code references, website links) | GT GitHub | Frequency, quantity, and quality of contributions | ## Academic honesty The main principle in VIP academic honesty is that you will not present someone else’s work as your own. Tests and specific assignments (homework, lab assignments, etc.) must be your own work. For other work you are encouraged to consult whatever sources are helpful in learning and understanding the issues associated with the material, but you should always provide appropriate references and citations where such material is included in your VIP notebook, programming code, presentations, etc. Additionally, to provide a good working environment for all students, you’re expected to adhere to rules given here, posted, or disseminated in class. Academic Honesty is taken seriously and failure to follow these principles will result in disciplinary actions as stated in the Student/Faculty Handbook. ## Accomodations for students with disabilities Georgia Tech offers accommodations to students with disabilities. If you need a classroom accommodation, please make an appointment with the Office of Disability Services (www.disabilityservices.gatech.edu). If you have an accommodation letter from ODS, please provide your team advisor with a copy of your accommodation letter and discuss with them how your accommodations will be applied. This should be done as early as possible in the semester. ## What should I know already? _(Prerequisites.)_ You should have some basic programming under your belt, and an attitude that embraces "grit." We will try to guide you through everything step-by-step and will try to avoid creating barriers to participation. ## Will I need school supplies? _(Books, materials, equipment, labs, and facilities.)_ The main pieces of equipment you will need are a pen or pencil, paper, an internet-enabled device, and your brain! We will collectively assemble additional, useful resources as the project progresses. **Labs and facilities.** VIP has rooms and equipment that are shared by many VIP teams. To provide a good working environment, the following rules apply to anyone with access: 1) The room priorities are: a. Scheduled team meetings, lectures, and learning modules; b. Weekly sub-team meetings (multiple groups can use rooms at same time); c. Video conferences or special meetings with VIP stakeholders; d. Other project-related work (multiple groups can use rooms at same time). Room schedules can be viewed on the VIP website. While the above priorities indicate which events take precedence, a good neighbor policy on using the rooms applies. If you need to access computers, equipment, or work on a project in the room while other activities are going on (sub-team meetings, etc.), you are welcome to do so as long as it does not disrupt a scheduled activity. Similarly, multiple groups may use a VIP room at the same time. Also, where it does not disrupt one of the above uses, VIP participants may use the rooms for other activities such as studying. 2) Everyone is expected to pitch in to keep the rooms clean. Food is allowed in the rooms provided any spills or messes are cleaned immediately. The rooms are monitored by camera, and staff will pull videos to identify offenders. Gum is a particular problem especially in carpeted rooms. Do not place used gum anyplace other than in a trash can. 3) The rooms have equipment both for general use and for specific teams. General use equipment includes the projector in Klaus 1440, and monitors in VL 465 ad VL 463B. Other equipment may be for general use or dedicated to a team specific purpose; some equipment may be general use one semester and assigned to a team another semester. If you are unsure of whether equipment is available for general use, contact the VIP trouble-ticket system at vip-request@ece.gatech.edu. You should only use equipment for the designated purpose. Some equipment may pose personal hazards if used inappropriately! a. Equipment owned by the VIP Program may not be removed from a VIP room without completed an equipment loan agreement, which would need to be approved by one of the VIP Directors. To request permission, email vip-request@ece.gatech.edu. b. You will be responsible for the replacement cost of any equipment not returned in good condition. c. You must be sure you know how to operate the equipment safely. Written approval to use the equipment does not indicate that the team advisor has reviewed equipment use and safety. You are responsible for knowing the hazards and safe operation of any equipment you use. 4) Computer accounts are issued for your use only. You may not share computer accounts with anyone else, even another team member. All computer usage is subject to rules and policies of Georgia Tech, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents, and the State of Georgia. Additionally, you are expected to be considerate of other users. Computer permissions are not authoritative. For example, just because you have file access to something does not indicate that it is appropriate for you to read or modify that file. 5) Buzz-card access to VIP facilities is a privilege contingent on abiding by the above rules. Buzz-card access is logged, and rooms are video recorded. Be aware that if there is a problem (theft, vandalism, or simply a mess left in a room), the logs and video records will be consulted. Do not allow unknown people to access VIP facilities. Be sure to secure the facilities (i.e. close the door) when you leave. ## About VIP This VIP course is part of a larger program, which aims to expose students to research and development (R&D). Undergraduate students that join VIP teams earn academic credit for helping in design and discovery efforts that assist faculty and graduate students with R&D issues. The teams aim to be: - _Multidisciplinary_ - drawing students from all disciplines on campus; - _Vertically integrated_ - maintaining a mix of sophomores through Ph.D. students each semester; - _Long-term_ - each undergraduate student may participate in a project for up to three years and each graduate student may participate for the duration of their graduate career. There are several reasons behind the design of VIP teams. - To provide the time and context necessary for students to learn and practice many different professional skills, make substantial contributions to the project, and experience many different roles on a large, multidisciplinary VIP team. - To support long-term interaction between graduate and undergraduate students on the team. The graduate students mentor the undergraduates as they work on VIP projects embedded in the graduate students' research. - To enable the completion of large-scale projects that are of significant benefit to faculty members' research programs.