--- title: Great Theory Hits --- # Raghu Meka: CS289: Great Theory Hits of 21st Century Winter 2021 | [HOME](http://www.raghumeka.org) | [RESEARCH](http://raghumeka.github.io/research.html) | [TEACHING](http://raghumeka.github.io/courses.html) | | -------- | -------- | -------- | --- ## Introduction We will cover a handful of groundbreaking results across the entire gamut of theoretical computer science discovered in the 21st century! A tentative list of topics can be found below; the topics may change based on student interest as well. **Prerequisites**: You **need** background in linear algebra, probability theory, and algorithms (all at a typical undergraduate upper-division level) to make the class fun and interesting for you as well as for me. Lectures: Monday/Wednesday 10-11:50. [On Zoom and will be recorded](https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98304070079). Office hours are by appointment (quite flexible). --- ## Course Work We will have three take-home midterms worth 30% each. - Midterm 1:January 25. Due in 24 hours. - Midterm 2: February 17. Due in 24 hours. - Midterm 3: March 11th. Due in 24 hours. 10% credit is for class participation (asking questions in class). If you can't attend class live, then talk to me and we will figure out a suitable fix. The best resources will be the original papers. The transcipt of the lectures will be available on Scribble. You can access them here: - [Scribble link for part 1](https://scribbletogether.com/whiteboard/76CFCEE4-A041-4921-91D5-4D14D3EF4E8A). [PDF for part 1](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttvlryybiaezbds/GreatHits%20Part%201.pdf?dl=0) - [Scribble link for part 2](https://scribbletogether.com/whiteboard/28252C1B-4005-40A3-B4B9-4E36E91E0DA8). [Pdf is here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/36oaw9tjf0re1ph/GreatHitsPart2.pdf?dl=0). - [Vibe canvas link for part 3](https://app.vibe.us/folder.ixx-V3ElFhPc1Vov2CjU3O/XNTQ4rw_MdOS6hbeIUt-mi/KYJzIfKobmkaDq2pU9T2H4) - [Vibe canvas link for part 4](https://app.vibe.us/smart.ALL_BOARDS/-CrL_nx7fT-p34V-1tZRhg/00Qm1o69uqF6TRbeOFfscC) - [Vibe canvas link for part 5](https://app.vibe.us/smart.ALL_BOARDS/AgYVL9AcGfURiwIm61X4D3/kqIWFK_Hy25FnroMdkO3pE) We will also use Campuswire to ask and answer questions about the class. The link for registering is [here](https://campuswire.com/p/G56F93947). --- ## Syllabus The syllabus is flexible and we can cover diverse topics based on your interest. The following is a tentative list of topics to be covered. For each of the specific results, we will use it as an excuse to learn some essential tools in theory of computing. - SL = L: Undirected connectivity in Logspace (4 lectures). Refs: [This chapter](https://people.seas.harvard.edu/~salil/pseudorandomness/expanders.pdf) and [the original paper](https://omereingold.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/sl.pdf). This excellent (and award winning) survey on [expander graphs](https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2006-43-04/S0273-0979-06-01126-8/) for further topics. - Graph Sparsification and interlacing Polynomials (4 lectures). The original [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/0808.0163). [These slides and videos](https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/graph-sparsification) by Nikhil Srivastava. Our presentation will be similar but we will skip some parts and expand on others. - LP/SDP Relaxations: Extended Formulations and Communication Complexity (4 lectures) - Sensitivity conjecture (2 lectures) - Improved bounds on sunflower conjecture (2 lectures) - Logconcave polynomials, mixing in matroids (4 lectures)/Quantum Testing (4 lectures)