# GMT for Geodesy short course application **Course Title**: The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) for Geodesy **Preferred Date and Times**: We will do our best to honor requests while working within our internal capacity. June 26 - 29, 2023; Times TBD based on attendee locations **Anticipated total number of classes/sessions** (e.g. 4 classes) We anticipate publishing the lectures online in advance of the short course. We anticipate hosting two 90 minute office hours at which students can work through assignments. We anticipate offering, at a minimum, office hours in english and spanish. **Anticipation session duration** (e.g. 60 min, 2hr, etc.) **Instructor Names and Affiliations** Include all that are known at this time. Max Jones (University of Hawaiʻi) Federico Esteban (University of Buenos Aires) Joaquim Luis, University of Algarve Xiaohua Xu, University of Texas at Austin Kristof Koch **Course Description** Describe in detail (appropriate for the intended audience) answers the to the following... What type of course this is? What scientific content and scientific computing skills will be taught? and What types of data will be featured? This course will cover the use of GMT 6 in geodesy using UNIX shell scripting. Lectures and exercises will be given to teach the basic conventions of using GMT, such as plotting symbols, vectors (points, lines, polygons), and grids (elevation, shading, radar image). Office hours will be hosted for guidance with processing and visualization of various data sets relevant to geodesy. This course will cover all the pre-requisite material for the InSAR processing and theory with GMTSAR short course. We will also offer an introduction to the Python and Julia wrappers for GMT. **Primary Facility Emphasis** (Select all that apply) GAGE, SAGE **Describe the facility tools, products, and resources that will play a prominent role in the workshop.** Unix Shell Generic Mapping Tools CLI GMT.jl (Julia) PyGMT (Python) GMT remote datasets Zoom/Slack/YouTube **Intended Audience** Describe a primary audience for the course (who do you really want to attend) People who need an introduction to GMT in advance of the GMTSAR course **Intended Audience** Describe a secondary audience for the course. Should be mutually exclusive from the primary audience above. People who want to learn a powerful tool for processing and visualizing geodetic data People who are interested in using GMT through the Julia or Python wrappers **Advertising Plan** Briefly describe how you plan to advertise the workshop to attract both the primary and secondary audiences listed above (EarthScope staff can promote through internal mailing lists). In addition to the internal EarthScope mailing lists, we intend to advertise on the GMT website, Discourse forum, Twitter, and Instagram. **Preferred maximum size of the short course.** 50-99 participants **Participant Commitment** Describe the expected time investment required for participants to successfully complete the short course… both in class and outside of the course. 8 hours **Learning Goals** Describe what learners should know or be able to do by the end of the course e.g. Students will be able to... (Note that EarthScope staff can assist you to refine your ideas). - Introduction to UNIX basics and shell scripting - Learning the basic conventions of GMT - How to plot symbols, vectors, and grids - How to make multiple plots, inset images, and animations - How to access publicly available remote data - Make your own publication-quality figures **Assessment** Describe how participants will demonstrate the degree to which they have met the course learning goals (Note that EarthScope staff can assist you to refine your ideas). Students will complete a final project in which they produce a high-quality figure with multiple map elements using GMT and either their own data or publicly available data. **Draft Agenda for planning** (date, time, lessons per day) We will modify the schedule from https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/gmt-for-geodesy/blob/main/README.md to work with the new format of pre-recorded lectures and office hours. **Minimum hardware requirements for participants.** Computer capable of running GMT (macOS, Linux, or Windows; including variants like Git for Windows or WSL) **Minimum software requirements for participants.** GMT 6.4+ along with dependencies, Visual Studio Code or Jupyter Lab **Minimum internet requirements for participants (e.g. speeds, connectivity durations, etc).** Capable of streaming YouTube lectures and connecting to office hours via Zoom **Participant coursework or content knowledge requirements.** No prior requirements **Participant scientific computing skill requirements.** No prior requirements