PyCon TW 2021 共同筆記
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# 10/02
## 08:55 ~ 09:55
- @R0、R1、R2、R3 🔸[當大家都會 Python 時 - 魏澤人](/@pycontw/BJY8P0_fY)
## 09:55 ~ 11:25
- @R3 [網路爬蟲即學即用 - 透過 Python 快速蒐集人力銀行的職缺資訊 - 游騰林](/@pycontw/Hkv8OyFfF)
## 10:05 ~ 10:35
- @R0 [成功地測試失敗 (Fail tests successfully) - Keith Yang](/@pycontw/ByIlgkYzt)
- @R1 [自問自答:命名實體識別應用於精準醫療服務-以智能理賠為例 - 江侑倫](/@pycontw/HkTtQkYfF)
- @R2 [Queick: A simple job-queue system for Python - Ryota SUENAGA](/@pycontw/SkVaByKMF)
## 10:40 ~ 11:25
- @R0 [Django ORM. Be Careful - Tim Hsu](/@pycontw/BJhI5kKGK)
- @R1 [Python 資料科學應用 — 血液透析之血壓預測模型 - JiunYi Yang](/@pycontw/ByhqZgKfK)
- @R2 [DAFunctor: Symbolic translator from NumPy/PyTorch ND-Array operations to C - Buganini](/@pycontw/ByS9zeYfK)
## 11:30 ~12:05
- @R0 [Beyond Unit Tests: End-to-End Web UI Testing - Andrew Knight](/@pycontw/ry4OQeYMt)
- @R1 [產業、應用與待遇 - Python 在勞動市場中的職缺分析(2021) - 游騰林](/@pycontw/SJ7frxKGt)
- @R2 [The Pitfalls of Integrating Lua with Python - 郭學聰 (Hsueh-Tsung Kuo)](/@pycontw/BJf1UgFGK)
- @R3 [使用 Pyodide 讓你在瀏覽器中直接運行 Python - 以醫療數位影像 DICOM 視覺化為例 - Grimmer Kang](/@pycontw/S1kQ9zXQK)
## 13:05 ~ 13:35
- @R0 [Narrative-focused video games development with Ren'Py, an open source engine - Susan Shu Chang](/@pycontw/SJQsugtft)
- @R1 [Using Python with Network Analysis to understand corruption in government procurement - Albert 'bash' Yumol](/@pycontw/Hkeu9-tfF)
- @R2 [Build Your First Cyber Forensic Application using Python - Gajendra Deshpande](/@pycontw/ByfYqeKGt)
## 13:05 ~ 16:35
- @R3 [使用 Pytest 進行單元測試 - Max Lai](/@pycontw/Hkwu8etMF)
## 13:40 ~ 13:55
- @R0 [Python/Raspberry Pi-based Low Energy Electron Diffraction Imaging and Analysis for Surface Science - David Mikolas](/@pycontw/r1ED4bYzY)
- @R1 [如何使用blender簡單建造金屬原子/2D材料模型 - 李嘉穎](/@pycontw/r1TISbFGF)
- @R2 [搭上Streamlit特快車遊沐星光程式 - 蘇羿豪](/@pycontw/Bkb8UWtfF)
## 14:05 ~ 14:35
- @R0 [WeatherPi,一個用 Raspberry Pi 和 Python 的微型氣象站專案 - sosorry](/@pycontw/SJJyDWYzY)
- @R1 [Turning Pandas DataFrames to Semantic Knowledge Graph - Cheuk Ting Ho](/@pycontw/HJZaKgtzt)
- @R2 [Reborn Quark-Engine with Rizin - Sheng-Fone Lu](/@pycontw/BJMCsZKfF)
## 16:15 ~ 17:15
- @R0、R1、R2、R3 🔸[Building next-level AI assistants - Yenny Cheung](/@pycontw/H1HD2WYGY)
# 10/03
## 10:00 ~ 10:30
- @R0 [用Python做太陽能發電監控 - Malo](/@pycontw/SJv7xM9zt)
- @R1 [Building Features from Audio for Machine Learning - Jyotika Singh](/@pycontw/Hy9u4GqfF)
- @R2 [爬蟲與反爬蟲乾貨 - 蔡根元](/@pycontw/r17kcGcft)
## 10:00 ~ 11:20
- @R3 [Knowledge graph data modelling with TerminusDB - Cheuk Ting Ho](/@pycontw/BkR6iXczF)
## 10:35 ~ 11:20
- @R0 [使用 Python 實現可即時互動用的遠端影音傳輸 - Milo Chen](/@pycontw/B19Isz9GY)
- @R1 [Supercharging your Jupyter and Machine Learning Workflow with PrimeHub - Chia-liang Kao](/@pycontw/rk-phz9zF)
- @R2 [Football (soccer) data analysis: A Pedagogic introduction - Indranil Ghosh](/@pycontw/BkElAGqft)
## 11:30 ~ 12:00
- @R0 [用Python實作環境偵測及預警系統 - Victor Gau](/@pycontw/r1aeD7czF)
- @R1 [TronGisPy: Open Sourced Geo-Image Preprocessing Tool for Machine Learning - 王選仲](/@pycontw/S1JfO75GF)
- @R2 [Let's make your data pipeline robust with Great Expectations! - Keisuke Nishitani](/@pycontw/HJRVK7qMt)
- @R3 [吹直笛打電話?重現柯南名場景! -李昱勳 (Yu-Hsun Lee)](/@pycontw/rkpEaQqGY)
## 13:00 ~ 13:45
- @R0 [Learn from LL(1) to PEG parser the hard way - Kir Chou](/@pycontw/ryza07cMF)
- @R1 [用Python刻一個深度學習圖片重點裁切系統 (Implementation of a deep learning-based saliency detection system by Python) - 何明洋](/@pycontw/BkzKJVqMt)
- @R2 [從 Flask 邁向 FastAPI 的心路歷程 - 用房屋估價模型服務體驗急速開發、高效能的快感! - 陳家丞](/@pycontw/rk6Kg4cfY)
- @R3 [PEP 634 Structural Pattern Matching 參上,你終究還是要用語言學來做 NLP 齁! -PeterWolf](/@pycontw/r1fu-4cfY)
## 13:55 ~ 14:25
- @R0 [Tumblebug:基於 pyspark 的大規模分散式資料庫特徵搜尋工具 - 賴東昇](/@pycontw/HySUfE5MK)
- @R1 [What you need to know about deploying AI model to edge device - 吳啟聖](/@pycontw/HJ9Y7EqGt)
- @R2 [嫌 Django 的 Validator 不好用 !? 不如自幹一個 - Kilik Kuo](/@pycontw/H1d5N45Mt)
- @R3 [PyMetheus - A Python-based Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi - Ing Wei Tang](/@pycontw/S15SHN5ft)
## 15:30 ~ 16:30
- @R0、R1、R2、R3 🔸[Ideas, Visions and Reality:Looking back on 20 years of community work - Marc-Andre Lemburg](/@pycontw/ryAvIVqMF)
###### tags: `PyConTW2021`
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