A one sentence, no-nonsense, FAQ for why we should include EIP-7732 in Fusaka
What does ePBS mean?: you should think of the acronym as enshrined payload block separation and you will start to think differently about it.
Pipelining Benefits
Is the complexity worth it? Yes it is, all of the complexity lies in the separation of consensus an execution blocks, with all the benefits explained in this FAQ. The auction mechanism is the trivial part and can be swapped at any time. Take a look at my devcon talk explaining this in detail.
What timing benefits do we get? Instead of 2 seconds to validate the execution and the data availability of the block, we get 9 to 12 seconds for it.
What bandwidth benefits do we get? Instead of having to broadcast the consensus block, the execution block and all blobs in less than 2 seconds to all the network, validators only need to broadcast the consensus block in a short time. This means that peak bandwidth requirements are much smaller while maintaining the average needed bandwidth but properly distributing during the entire slot.
I am a homestaker why do I care? It means better attestations, less missed proposals.
I am a builder why do I care? If you are a vertically integrated builder you don't care, nothing changes. If you are instead auctioning in a relay, you get better latency and thus more time to build the block until the last millisecond.