# HoloFood requirements gathering [TOC] *(To be confirmed and selectively pruned together!)* ### Goals for this call - Viktor: - Clarity around Holo-REA and where current state of thinking around marketplace is - How to work with that and integrate buyer's clubs into marketplace stuff - Thijs: - Checking out the community & what's being built here - Kiki: - How can seeds fit into this framework? - Guillem: - Tracking the project, intersections with open modules and how they will fit into the whople system Buyer's clubs - relationships between clubs - interactions between organisations - two-way nodes, where buyer's clubs can sell to other clubs rather than just being an end-of-chain distribution mechanism - interactions between clubs and normal producers - groups of cooperatives who would invite producers in - aggregation of needs & requests around buyer's clubs - how to make spinning up a buyer's club easy? - making folks visible to each other - logistics layers - goals: - shifting towards local (most clubs are dry goods, overseas sources) - reducing administrative burden of finding sources, sending orders, invoicing - Have producers list what's coming in the coming cycle - inventory management (some clubs have stocking space) - when it's time to re-stock, want to contact producers - other types of clubs simply distribute at time of purchase - Producers set lists of what's available, what thresholds are needed to make the purchase available - `intents` and `proposal` pushed to marketplace - `intent` specifies amount required - Buyer's club folks go through list - `commitment` to pay group for the order once it comes in - Once it's filled out, distribution happens - `intent` flows to make the agreement & payment - payments made first - Internal credit system for cooperative buying - `resources` to track internal credit - Heritage seeds visibility of high interest to food networks FoodShift network - Shifting people to a more bioregional mindset in how they coordinate around food - behavioural indicators: - state your (agri) practise in detail - **There's a whole suite of farmer-centric apps in this...** - conversations within the group ### Application requirements exploration - [ ] Compare buyer's club UX flows with REKO Rings - [ ] The [VF marketplace app](https://github.com/holo-rea/app-offers-needs-marketplace) and general-purpose listing functionality. - [ ] "Virtual" marketplaces spanning many exchange networks - [ ] Inventory management needs (buyer's clubs and producers) - [ ] Buyer's club shared bank accounts and mutual credit issuance- what's possible? - [ ] Consumer modules: how to manage time-critical availability, unloading, zero-waste? - [ ] What is needed for a "backroom" module? - [ ] Point of sale application needs - [ ] How would the actual canvas look where the interoperability happens? - How does the fertilizer output of the BASYN biodigester get routed to become an input or maybe a sellable item in a cooperatively run store powered by Shiro? - What interfaces do users touch? - How does the data flow between Holochain networks? - [ ] "Whenever I start a crop, it is visible at projected harvest date in a market or community." ### Backend functionality exploration - [ ] Analysis of Kristofer's [logistics module](https://github.com/kristoferlund/holochain-logistics) and whether it could be an additional module to extend logistics-related REA observations with additional functionality. - [ ] Exploring "membership management modules" requirements, and whether the ValueFlows organisational vocabulary and planned general-purpose [group functionality](https://github.com/holo-rea/holo-rea/issues/9#issuecomment-637985563) could satisfy needs. - [ ] Also explore synergy with Guillem's reimplementation of 'agent roles' ### ValueFlows protocol usage queries - [ ] How should currencies be expressed? - [ ] How would shipping be modeled? - [ ] How would different tax rates be described? For instance in Sweden, edible stuff comes with a 12% VAT and non edible stuff with 25%. - [ ] How do we agree upon sensible taxonomies to use to describe products? - No two producers categorize their produce the same. - Prior art: see ['ontology' module](https://github.com/holo-rea/ecosystem/wiki/Modules-in-the-HoloREA-framework#ontology) and [inter-network ontology translations](https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kx0H2NA=/?moveToWidget=3074457346633126642&cot=12). ### User interface architectural topics - [ ] Should we use a common foundational library, or let it be more of a free-for-all? - [ ] [CoreElements](https://core-elements.netlify.app/) and other low-level UI component frameworks - [ ] requirements for themeability and design scalability - [ ] requirements for universality and [agent-centric application interfaces](https://github.com/lucksus/perspectivism/) - [ ] Mobile application UI requirements - [ ] Can we do native apps with WebComponents yet? Or does native still basically mean "React Native"? - [ ] Can we agree on a shared application authoring framework (eg. Svelte or pure WebComponents) in order that all our UI components can be genericised into a kit? > From @sid #### Role of Reputation: It would be interesting to see how these systems integrate with some of our reputation libraries. There are a couple use cases that immediately come to mind: - Can the food supply chain be enmeshed with social fabric? - Transport of good occuring through trust networks instead of global supply chains? - Can the sourcing of food be limited to places we 'trust' are organic/fair trade etc. - Can the trade of food be enmeshed with social fabric? - Example: I might want to offer the fruit in my backyard at differential rates to different communities (As a gift to some, at a discount to others, at market price to the rest) - Can reputation earned by people in the food network be ported to other networks? - Example: my reputation earned as someone who stores seeds, or grows organic food may be useful in other contexts