# JAM Keysets Oldest --> Newest | | $\lambda$ | $\lambda'$ | $\kappa$ $\gamma_s$ | $\kappa'$ $\gamma'_s$ | $\gamma_k$ $\gamma_a$ | $\gamma'_k$ $\gamma'_a$ | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Tickets | | | | | = | = | | Block Seal | | | | x | | | | Guarantees | | * | | x* | | | | Assurances | | | | x | | | | Disputes | x | | x | | | | | BEEFY | | | | x | | | (* Guarantee checks also use acceptable keys from previous rotation and for first blocks of an epoch the previous shuffle, which will require previous epoch validator keys. Guarantee disregards the posterior offenders.) (= Tickets are guaranteed to have equal prior and posterior.)
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