# pb-16S-nf on Bianca https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/HiFi-16S-workflow 1. Login to `transit.uppmax.uu.se` Documentation: - https://uppmax.github.io/UPPMAX-documentation/cluster_guides/transfer_bianca/#transit-server 2. Mount the `wharf` of your project. ```bash user@transit:~$ mount_wharf sens2023531 Mounting wharf (accessible for you only) to /home/<user>/sens2023531 <user>-sens2023531@bianca-sftp.uppmax.uu.se's password: ``` 4. Navigate to your `wharf` folder 5. Disable Singularity cache ```bash export SINGULARITY_DISABLE_CACHE=true export APPTAINER_DISABLE_CACHE=true unset NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR ``` 5. Load git and Nextflow software modules ```bash module load uppmax git bioinfo-tools Nextflow/latest ``` 6. Clone the pipeline ```bash git clone https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pb-16S-nf.git cd pb-16S-nf ``` 7. Edit the configuration file `nextflow.config` to adapt it for Bainca `local` executor ```json ... // CPU limit if using local executor process { name = "Local" cpus = 16 } ... process { withLabel: cpu_def { cpus = 4 memory = 16.GB } withLabel: cpu8 { cpus = 8 memory = 32.GB } withLabel: cpu32 { cpus = 16 memory = 128.GB } } ... singularity { singularity.enabled = true singularity.autoMounts = true //singularity.cacheDir = "$HOME/nf_conda/singularity" singularity.runOptions = "--bind /home" params.enable_container=true docker.enabled = false podman.enabled = false shifter.enabled = false charliecloud.enabled = false } ``` 8. Run the test to collect the containers ```bash # Create sample TSV for testing echo -e "sample-id\tabsolute-filepath\ntest_data\t$(readlink -f test_data/test_1000_reads.fastq.gz)" > test_data/test_sample.tsv export NXF_OFFLINE=true nextflow run main.nf --input test_data/test_sample.tsv --metadata test_data/test_metadata.tsv -profile singularity --outdir results ``` Check that you got the Singularity images ```bash ls -l work/singularity/ total 6202312 -rwxrwxr-x 1 pmitev pmitev 3306160128 May 29 11:24 kpinpb-pb-16s-nf-qiime-v0.7.img -rwxrwxr-x 1 pmitev pmitev 1805971456 May 29 11:24 kpinpb-pb-16s-nf-tools-latest.img -rwxrwxr-x 1 pmitev pmitev 1239023616 May 29 11:28 kpinpb-pb-16s-vis-latest.img ``` :::info WARN: Singularity cache directory has not been defined -- Remote image will be stored in the path: pb-16S-nf/work/singularity -- Use the environment variable NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to specify a different location ::: The containers will be saved in `pb-16S-nf/work/singularity` keep this in mind if you want to change the location. 9. On Bianca, move the folder somewhere in the project folder. 10. Run the pipeline in a interactive job i.e. `interactive -A sens-XXXX -n 16 -t 24-00:00:00` = adapt the time to fit your needs 11. Perhaps even better in a sbatch job. :::success file: `run-nextflow.sh` ```bash #!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH -A sens-XXXX #SBATCH -t 24-00:00:00 #SBATCH -n 16 module load bioinfo-tools Nextflow/latest # just an example export NXF_OFFLINE=true nextflow run main.nf --input test_data/test_sample.tsv \ --metadata test_data/test_metadata.tsv \ -profile singularity \ --outdir results ``` ::: ```bash sbatch run-nextflow.sh ``` http://docs.uppmax.uu.se/cluster_guides/slurm_on_bianca/ ## Contacts: - [Pavlin Mitev](https://katalog.uu.se/profile/?id=N3-1425) - [UPPMAX](https://www.uppmax.uu.se/) - [AE@UPPMAX - related documentation](/8sqXISVRRquPDSw9o1DizQ) ![](https://live.webb.uu.se/digitalAssets/207/c_207717-l_3-k_bg-city.png) ###### tags: `UPPMAX`